■”Döhle Seafront Crewing (Manila) Strengthens its Position as a Global Maritime Crewing Services Provider, Leveraging the Strength of a 415-Ship Fleet”

1) When was Döhle Seafront Crewing (Manila) Inc. established in Manila?

Established in 2009, Döhle Seafront has transformed from a licensed manning agency, primarily focused on providing Filipino crew for Döhle-owned and managed ships, into a key player in the global maritime industry. Expanding its services to third-party international shipowners and operators in 2014, the company’s mission was to cultivate a skilled pool of Filipino crew members capable of meeting the diverse needs of partner international shipowners and managers beyond the Döhle network.

As an integral part of the renowned Döhle group of companies, recognized for their shipping expertise, Döhle Seafront leverages extensive resources. This positions the company as the preferred crewing firm for international clients, ensuring the swift and efficient deployment of the most suitable crew to meet their specific requirements.
Understanding the unique perspectives and demands of stakeholders in the maritime sector, Döhle Seafront is committed to consistently delivering outstanding value and quality to its crew. This commitment establishes the company as a trusted partner within the international shipping community.
2) I understand that the main business of Döhle Seafront Crewing (Manila) Inc. is crew supply (manning). How many seafarers does your company currently supply, including the Döhle Group? Also, which ship management company does your company use?

In 2023, Döhle Seafront achieved a significant milestone, successfully managing approximately 170 vessels with a robust pool of around 3,000 seafarers. This notable fleet includes vessels from both the Döhle Group and various third-party shipowners and managers, showcasing the company’s extensive influence and capabilities in the maritime sector.

Experiencing remarkable growth, particularly in the segment of third-party clients, Döhle Seafront has demonstrated a consistent upward trend in both the number of vessels and seafarers under its management. This growth underscores the company’s expertise and the industry’s trust and confidence in its services, solidifying its position as a key player continuously expanding its reach and impact.

3) On which types of vessels can Döhle Seafront Crewing (Manila) Inc. supply crews? (e.g. LNG carriers, LPG carriers, large container ships, etc.)

Döhle Seafront provides a diverse array of seafaring talent for an extensive range of vessel types, including container ships, bulk carriers, multipurpose/heavy lift vessels, tankers, general cargo ships, offshore vessels, and yachts.

4) In your opinion, what are the advantages of Döhle Seafront Crewing (Manila) Inc. seafarers compared to other crewing companies?

Commitment to Developing Homegrown Talent: Döhle Seafront focuses on nurturing homegrown crew members, ensuring a sustainable supply of skilled personnel and fostering loyalty.

Dedication to Continuous Improvement: The company constantly evolves and improves its methods, staying at the forefront of industry standards to offer the best service and expertise.

Strong Industry Relationships: Döhle Seafront’s robust industry relationships, both domestically and internationally, enable it to stay informed about trends and changes, adapting swiftly and efficiently.

Solid Philippine Government Relations: Maintaining strong ties with the Philippine government ensures regulatory compliance and alignment with national maritime policies, facilitating smoother operations and upholding high standards.

Nurturing Relationships with Seafarers and Their Families: The company extends care beyond seafarers to include their families, recognizing the importance of family support in overall well-being and job satisfaction, fostering a holistic and supportive environment.

5) What kind of business relations does Döhle Seafront Crewing (Manila) Inc. have with Japanese shipowners and operators?

Döhle Seafront maintains a robust alliance with colleagues in the Japanese maritime industry and its affiliates. The company is dedicated to providing crews for Japanese-owned vessels, emphasizing a shared commitment to seafarer safety and welfare, particularly in collaboration with Filipino partners.

6) Finally, please give us a general overview of Peter Döhle’s headquarters (ship-owning business, etc.).

Döhle Group: A Global Maritime Services Provider
Döhle Group stands as a leading global maritime services provider with a comprehensive portfolio covering ship owning, ship management, chartering, ship finance, insurance, crew management, and logistics. Headquartered in Hamburg, Germany, the group boasts a global network of over 20 offices and employs more than 6,800 people.

【インタビュー フィリピンでの船員供給事業】
ドーレ・シーフロント・クルーイング(マニラ)社長 アイリス・バギラット氏、ドーレ・グループオーナー代表 トーレ・ヘンリクセン氏。

(聞き手 山本裕史)






















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