UK Government Imposes Stringent Sanctions on Russian-Linked Shipping Companies

UK Government Imposes Stringent Sanctions on Russian-Linked Shipping Companies

In a significant move, the UK Government has unveiled a fresh set of sanctions targeting individuals and entities providing financial support to Russia’s ongoing war. The comprehensive list encompasses 46 entities, with a notable focus on four shipping-related companies, including Oil Tankers (SCF) Management.

Oil Tankers (SCF) Management, a subsidiary managing tankers owned by the Russian state-owned Sovcomflot and Novoship, was among the companies specifically targeted by the sanctions, announced on June 6. Notably, all four sanctioned companies have their company properties registered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).

The British Government’s decision to include these shipping entities in the sanctions stems from their involvement in oil-related activities. Describing the rationale behind the sanctions, officials pointed out that the four UAE-based entities utilize opaque corporate structures and deceptive shipping practices to facilitate the free trade of Russian oil, thereby supporting Russia’s war revenue-generating efforts.

The quartet of companies subjected to UK sanctions includes Sovcomflot’s Dubai subsidiary, Oil Tankers (SCF) Management, alongside Dubai-based shipowners Radiating World Shipping Services, Star Voyages Shipping, and K&O Ship Management. Notably, these companies play a pivotal role in managing and owning a significant number of vessels.

According to Vessels Value, Oil Tankers (SCF) Management acts as the ship management company (commercial manager) for a total of 61 Aframax, Suezmax, and product tankers owned by Sovcomflot and Novoship. Radiating World Shipping Services owns 17 Aframax and other vessels, while Star Voyage Shipping possesses 5 Aframax, Suezmax, and other vessels.

K&O Ship Management, though potentially facing dissolution at this time, has drawn attention due to its fleet, consisting of eight tankers and two bulk carriers, according to reports from international maritime publication Splash 247. The recent classification of all vessels adds another layer of significance to the sanctions.

The seizure of ship managers associated with the 83 confirmed tankers is considered the most extensive crackdown on Russia’s oil and shipping network since Western sanctions were imposed a year ago. This move reflects the UK Government’s determination to curtail financial support to Russia’s war efforts and underscores the global impact of geopolitical measures taken against entities involved in the conflict.


 英政府の制裁対象となったのは、ソブコムフロットのドバイ子会社「オイルタンカーズ(SCF)マネジメント」、ドバイ船主「ラディエイテイング・ワールド・シッピング・サービス」、ドバイ船主「スター・ボイッジズ・シッピング」、ドバイ船主K&O シップマネージメント」の4社。
 K&O シップマネージメントは現時点で会社が解散されている可能性がある。海外紙スプラッシュ247によると、K&O の船隊はタンカー8隻とばら積み船2隻で構成。全船舶はここ数カ月で船級を変更したとしている。


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