Leeway Brokers Founder and CEO Prerak Gulati Focuses on Dry Shipping from Dubai Base

Leeway Brokers, a maritime broker specializing in dry shipping, is based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Over the past five years, the company has expanded its presence, including establishing a base in India. We spoke with the founder and CEO, Prerak Gulati, to learn about the company’s current status. (By Hirofumi Yamamoto)

1) When was LEEWAY BROKERS founded? How many people are currently employed by LEEWAY BROKERS?

LEEWAY BROKERS was founded in November 2018 in Dubai, UAE. Initially, there was only one person in the company Mr. Prerak Gulati however we have about 10 people currently on our team including brokers, operations, admin, etc. which also includes the team in our India office, our office in India was started in the year 2021 and it’s headed by Mr. Piyush Nigam, the team in India cater our clients in the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia region.

LEEWAY BROKERS also celebrated its fifth anniversary recently in Dubai for which our India team visited Dubai for a week to get along with the Dubai team and understand each other better during the celebrations and festivities of the company’s milestone.

2) LEEWAY BROKERS can broker in the dry, tanker, and gas sectors, which means, what is your sales point for each section.

As of now our team is focusing only on the DRY BULK shipping sector and covering all the sizes of vessels from handy up to capsize. Major commodities we are focusing on are Thermal Coal, Coking Coal, Metcoke, Iron ore, Clinker, Slag, Steel, Limestone, Gypsum etc. We are working closely with several commodity traders, end users, manufacturers, ship operators, and ship owners worldwide. Different members of our team specialize in fixing ships on voyage charters, time charter trips, period charters, COAs, and long-term contracts therefore serving all our clients seamlessly as per their requirements. So far, our average volume is about 5 to 7 million tons per year and we are looking forward to gradually increasing our volumes.

3) What is the most important aspect of shipping brokering?

The most important aspect of shipbroking is to serve your clients 24×7 and be ready to go a bit extra mile for them to get the best freight/hire as per their requirement without being biased to any one side i.e. owners or charterers because shipbroking plays are pivotal role in the maritime industry and when owners and charterers trust a certain broker than it should be broker’s ultimate duty to serve both the parties transparently and also with the help of its operations team closely follow up to execute the voyage smoothly.

4)In the shipping industry, the price of new buildings is rising due to the introduction of new fuels and decarbonization technologies. As a shipping broker, how can you support the decarbonization of shipping?

Indeed, the price of new buildings is rising but it’s not only because of the new fuels/decarbonization technologies but also due to the anticipation of an increase in demand for vessels in the near future from several countries, especially Asian countries like India, Vietnam, Bangladesh, China etc. Nevertheless, as a shipbroker, supporting decarbonization efforts in the shipping industry can involve several strategies from our side like promoting green technologies by supporting and encouraging clients to use low-carbon fuels in their vessels and might help them connect with shipbuilders who specialize in improving vessels energy performance.

As a shipbroker, we can also suggest clients consider the full lifecycle impact of vessels, not just the initial investment in the vessel, and highlight how investing in more sustainable options may lead to long-term cost savings and environmental benefits

Mr. Prerak Gulati
Founder & Director:
Bachelor’s in commerce from MJP Rohilkhand University, India
MBA Energy Trading from University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, India
Has been working as a shipbroker in a few different companies since January 2011 before founding LEEWAY BROKERS in 2018.

インタビュー 海外ブローカーに聞く。

 リーウェイ・ブローカーズ(LEEWAY BROKERS)はドバイに拠点を置くドライ主体の海運ブローカーだ。インドに拠点を持つなど過去5年で実績を伸ばす。同社の創設者兼取締役のプレラック・グラティ氏に同社の近況を聞いた。(山本裕史)

―リーウェイ・ブローカーズ( LEEWAY BROKERS)の概要について聞きたい。





Prerak Gulati


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