Shipowners in Japan Today

(Volume 360)

Next-Generation Shipowners: Daily Progress Toward Singapore and Special Zones

Shipowner management in Japan is undergoing a transformation, necessitating groundwork for change. The next generation of shipowners must cultivate the capability to compete globally on a level playing field. This marks the future trajectory for Japanese shipowners.

■Engaging with Overseas Shipping Lines
In early December 2023, I found myself in Imabari City, Ehime Prefecture. Despite the daytime warmth, freezing rain greeted the night.

Amidst year-end festivities, an evening meeting with a Japanese shipowner set the stage. The Imabari shipowner shared insights.

“We’ve cultivated the shipping business as a family endeavor. Some shipowners used to transport salt from Shikoku to Kyushu on domestic vessels, while others welcomed married couples aboard. Over time, the business evolved into short-sea and ocean-going vessels.”

He emphasized that the current generation of shipowners, in their 70s and 80s, who have elevated Imabari to Japan’s premier shipping company, possess unique management approaches, distinct personalities, and adept negotiating skills.

The challenge of “generational change” in this industry is likened to that in others. Despite close family ties, personal relationships and characteristics are challenging to pass down.

Another founding owner countered this perception.

“They’re mistaken. The next generation is indeed learning by observing us. While character is crucial, Imabari is actively nurturing individuals with English proficiency and an international mindset, ready to compete globally. There’s no cause for concern.”

In reality, the next generation of Imabari shipowners, in their 40s and 50s, have transitioned to major shipping companies, trading houses, and overseas brokers. Fluent in English, they possess the vital skill of engaging directly with overseas shipping companies.

A modest young shipowner in his 40s, his face flushed from drink, shared his perspective.

“I belong to the generation that weathered the sharp yen appreciation post-Plaza Accord in 1985 and the emergency employment measures in 1987. Our pioneering and fighting spirit is unmatched. Nonetheless, I went abroad for training to emulate them as closely as possible,” said the young Imabari shipowner.

The landscape for Japanese shipowners has evolved.

Transitioning from the traditional era of long-term chartering by major Japanese shipping companies, the environment now sees the majority of charterers as overseas shipping companies.

To what extent can the next generation of Japanese shipowners embrace a global perspective while navigating these changes? Young shipowners continuously enhance their skills through dedicated study groups.

■Contemplating Expansion into Singapore

While the idea of expanding into Singapore holds merit, the prevailing sentiment among major shipowners is that now is not the opportune time.

A prominent shipowner unequivocally stated, “Many anticipate Japanese shipowners turning a profit in 2023, attributing it to the ongoing depreciation of the yen against the dollar, reaching 140-150 yen in the latter half of the year.”

However, the reality is more nuanced.

Only medium to large shipowners with fully depreciated existing vessels are expected to reap the benefits. For shipowners employing a sale-and-leaseback (S&LB) model, “the bottom line is actually suffering due to high U.S. dollar interest rates and reduced fixed charter rates from overseas operators,” as reported by a shipowner based in western Japan.

Despite the challenges, some mid-sized shipowners have reported increased charter revenues.

The surge in newbuilding prices presents a hurdle for placing orders, coupled with a reluctance to reduce loans for vessels still under repayment.

A medium-sized shipowner lamented, “Even if we turn a profit by selling ships, without depreciable assets, we cannot compete with foreign shipowners. This holds true even if we utilize Japan’s special depreciation system for ships. There is a substantial difference in corporate tax implications, amounting to several hundred million yen compared to foreign counterparts at the new ship ownership stage,” according to a shipowner in the Shikoku region.

Acknowledging Singapore’s high inflation and elevated costs for housing, food, and education, some Japanese shipowners find solace in leveraging Singapore’s tax system to maintain profits from ship sales. A shipowner emphasized, “There’s no rush to acquire depreciating assets amidst skyrocketing newbuilding costs or problematic S&LBs.”

Several Japanese shipowners have established ship-owning companies in Singapore as local subsidiaries. However, the prevailing sentiment among the majority of Japanese shipowners is caution.

An official from a trading company shared, “We are frequently sought for advice. Yet, given the sharp ascent in the dry cargo market and the high market prices of owned vessels, establishing a ship-owning company in Singapore at this moment, considering transfer pricing taxation, might have drawbacks.”

Nevertheless, there are increasing calls for expansion into Singapore and the creation of special economic zones in Imabari and Okinawa within shipowning clusters in western Japan.

Japanese shipowners find themselves in competition with Greek shipowners and European shipping lines. The continued maintenance of the Japanese shipping tax system, while often reiterated, may play a pivotal role in either mitigating or accelerating the “hollowing out” of Japanese shipowners.

(By the Shipowners in Japan Reporting Team)
= Published every second Monday






































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