General cargo ship “VYSSOS” (8758DWT, built 2007) exploded with a mine in the Black Sea. No casualties among the 18 crew members; the vessel sank.

(Photo courtesy = Marine Traffic)

According to Ukrainian authorities, on December 27, 2023, local time, the general cargo vessel “VYSSOS” (8758DWT, built in 2007), which was enroute to the Ukrainian port of Danube Izmail to load grain, contacted a mine and exploded. The vessel is believed to be a Panamanian-flagged vessel managed by a ship management company based in Athens, Greece. Reuters reported the same day that the mine was planted by Russia. Japanese shipping companies and ship owners remain wary of the region, although Japanese-operated ships are not expected to sail into the Black Sea.(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)
 Three Ukrainians, two Turks, and 13 Egyptians were on board the ship, according to the domestic paper Greek city time. There were 18 crew members on board, but the cook suffered a head injury and was taken to hospital.
 VYSSOS is a small cargo vessel of less than 10,000 dwt. In the Japanese shipping industry, VYSSOS is what is known as a “short sea vessel,” a general cargo vessel that carries a variety of cargoes, including grain and semi-finished goods.
 Ukraine is one of the world’s leading grain shipping countries. Before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Japanese shipping industry also had many ships operating there. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, shipping to the region has virtually ceased. Overseas operators continue to transport Ukrainian grain and vessels, including those chartered on time charters, continue to be deployed.

ウクライナ当局によると、現地時間2023年12月27日、穀物を積み込むためにウクライナのドナウ・イズマイル港に向かっていた一般貨物船「VYSSOS」(8758DWT,2007建造)が機雷に接触して爆発した。同船はパナマ船籍、ギリシャのアテネに拠点を置く船舶管理会社の管理船とみられる。ロイター通信は同日、機雷はロシアが設置したものだと報じた。日本の海運会社の運航船は黒海への航海を見合わせている模様だが、依然として日本の海運会社、日本船主は同地域に警戒感を強めている。(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)
 ギリシャの現地紙「Greek city times」によると、乗組員はウクライナ人3名、トルコ人2名、エジプト人13名とされる。18人の乗組員のうち死者は出なかったが、コックが頭部を負傷し、病院に搬送された。


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