Ship financing balance of Iyo Bank, Hiroshima Bank, Yamaguchi Bank, and Fukuoka Bank at record high level. Loans for new shipbuilding, the positive impact of yen depreciation.

Ship financing balances at major regional banks are at record highs, and the weak yen, which has remained at 140-150 yen to the dollar, has boosted the dollar portion of financing. This is also due to the fact that the sale of ships owned by Japanese shipowners has been completed and the number of new shipbuilding projects by Japanese shipowners has increased.
 As of the end of September 2023, the outstanding loans of the regional banks (all of which were for ocean shipping only) were 1.04 trillion yen at Iyo Bank, 784.9 billion yen at Hiroshima Bank, 650.0 billion yen at Yamaguchi Bank(YMFG), and 410.0 billion yen at Fukuoka Bank.
 Compared with the end of March 2023, Iyo Bank increased by 135 billion yen, Hiroshima Bank by 76.9 billion yen, Yamaguchi Bank by 60.9 billion yen, and Fukuoka Bank by 40 billion yen. (Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)

■New shipbuilding loans increase

 According to Iyo Bank, the factors for the increase or decrease in the balance of domestic loans for ocean-going vessels were new transactions of 133.5 billion yen, foreign exchange effects of 64.7 billion yen, a decrease of 51.7 billion yen due to contractual repayments, and a decrease of 11.5 billion yen due to prepayments.
 According to Iyo Bank, in addition to an increase in the number of large transactions, the yen equivalent value of foreign currency loans increased due to the significant depreciation of the yen against the U.S. dollar and Swiss franc. The impact per yen change in exchange rates (as of end-September 2023) is estimated to be 1.43 billion yen for the U.S. dollar and 2.61 billion yen for the Swiss franc.
 Ship financing by regional banks has changed significantly since 2021.
 Traditionally, loans have focused on bulk carriers built by Japanese shipowners. However, after 2021, orders for new bulk carriers will decline due to the slump in the dry bulk market. Conversely, Japanese shipowners have been selling their bulk fleets against the backdrop of a weak yen, and at one point the pace of loan repayments by Japanese shipowners to regional banks accelerated.
 On the other hand, the container ship market was boosted by the outbreak of the new coronavirus after 2021 and the stranding of a large container ship in the Suez Canal.
 Japanese shipyards also received more orders for ultra-large containerships in the 20,000 TEU class. Most Japanese shipowners find it difficult to independently own such ultra-large containerships, and the amount of financing available from regional banks is large at around $200 million per ship, making it “difficult for a single regional bank to provide independent financing” (a ship finance officer at a regional bank).

■LNG Vessel Financing

 Meanwhile, the global energy supply and demand balance is tightening in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
 In particular, LNG (liquefied natural gas) shipments from Qatar and the U.S. to Europe became more active, and orders for LNG carriers from NYK, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, and Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha increased.
 Regional banks have responded differently to LNG carrier financing. In some cases, they are part of syndicated loans arranged by major banks and shipping funds. Some local banks have lent more than $250 million per ship to LNG carriers on their own.
 Recently, there has been an increase in the number of loans for new vessels that are compatible with new fuels such as LNG, methanol, and biofuels.
 Although the price of new fuel-compatible vessels is higher than that of conventional vessels, “if the vessel is chartered by an operator for medium to long-term use and the Japanese shipowner is able to increase his equity to 30%, which is higher than the usual 10%, the bank is willing to finance the vessel,” said a regional bank official.
 The nature of ship financing by Japanese regional banks has also changed significantly from the past.
 The majority of regional bank customers are Japanese shipowners, while 60-80% of the vessels chartered by Japanese shipowners are now leased to overseas operators.
 In the past, Japanese shipowners ordered newbuildings mainly for time charter to Japanese shipping giants such as NYK, MOL, and Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha.
 Since the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008, Japanese shipping giants have become increasingly wary of long-term charter contracts.
 The time charters offered by Japanese shipping majors to Japanese shipowners have also become shorter. In contrast, some overseas operators are offering higher charter rates than the Japanese giants, even though the charter period is shorter.
 In response to the needs of Japanese shipowners, regional banks are shifting their lending criteria from the traditional “ship charter guarantee” to a comprehensive assessment of the Japanese shipowner’s corporate creditworthiness, the ship’s value (asset finance), the amount of equity invested, and the creditworthiness of the overseas operator.


 2023年9月末時点の各地方銀王の融資残高(いずれも外航海運向けのみ)は伊予銀行1兆400億円、広島銀行7849億円、山口銀行(山口フィナンシャルグループ,YMFG)6500億円、福岡銀行4100億円だった。2023年3月末時点との比較では伊予銀行がプラス1350億円、広島銀行が同769億円、山口銀行が同609億円、福岡銀行が同400億円、それぞれ増加した。(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)



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