The application of the new lease accounting standards is expected to be postponed to fiscal year 2027. Major shipping companies require “2-3 years for preparation.”

The Accounting Standards Board of Japan (ASBJ) is likely to delay the implementation of the new lease accounting standards from the originally planned fiscal year 2026 to 2027. ASBJ had indicated in May last year that the changes in lease accounting could be introduced as early as fiscal year 2026. Some executives of major shipping companies have expressed that, regardless of ASBJ’s application, the transition to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) will proceed, but it will take at least 2-3 years to prepare.

In response to inquiries by The Japan Maritime Daily, ASBJ stated, “Currently, the person in charge is not available, and we will respond by Tuesday” (Public Relations).

A significant change for the shipping industry is the lease accounting standard, which, like IFRS 16, requires the capitalization of all leases as right-of-use assets and lease liabilities.

In anticipation of this ASBJ draft, Japan’s major shipping companies, Nippon Yusen, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, and Kawasaki Kisen, have disclosed estimates of charter liabilities in their mid-term management plans and financial results for the fiscal year ending March 2023.

As of March 2023, the estimated charter liabilities are approximately 700 billion yen for Nippon Yusen, about 900 billion yen for Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, and between 500 to 600 billion yen for Kawasaki Kisen. The total charter liabilities for these three companies are expected to be up to approximately 2.2 trillion yen.

As of the end of March 2023, the number of operating vessels (based on financial results) for these major shipping companies were: Nippon Yusen with 656 vessels (258 owned, 398 chartered), Mitsui O.S.K. Lines with 697 vessels (224 owned, 468 chartered, 5 operated under management contracts), and Kawasaki Kisen with 393 vessels (138 owned, 255 chartered).

Previously, Japan’s shipping industry was concerned about the increase in the DER (Debt Equity Ratio) due to the “on-balance” (capitalization of assets and liabilities) of time-charter vessels.

On the other hand, DER is calculated as interest-bearing debt divided by equity capital (shareholder equity). Normally, a DER of around 1xis considered healthy for a company.

The equity capital of these major shipping companies has increased significantly over the past three years. As a result, even with the introduction of IFRS and the on-balance treatment of time-charter vessels, some securities analysts believe that the DER can be maintained at “1-2 times.”

海運大手は過去3年間で自己資本が急増した。 結果として、現在、IFRSが導入され、定期用船がオンバランス化されてもDERは「1-2倍を維持できる」(証券アナリスト)との見方もある。


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