〆In Japan’s maritime industry, “Asset-Light Players” are also facing difficulties.

〆Freight Forward Agreements (FFAs) have risen more than expected, leading to operations in deficit.

Asset-light players, who primarily transport cargo using spot and short-term chartered vessels, are struggling in the freight futures market (FFA = see glossary). Typically, the dry market significantly softens from January to March, but this year, the market trend is bullish due to detours around the Red Sea and drought in the Panama Canal. Maritime industry insiders have expressed their concerns, lamenting the slump due to the gap between charter rates and freight rates. “Short-term charter rates are benchmarked against the FFA futures index. Some of Japan’s tramp ship operators are paying high short-term charter rates and carrying low-freight cargo.” (Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)

As of March 20, 2024, the spot charter rate for a medium-sized bulk carrier (Ultramax) in the London market was $15,067 per day, exceeding the average break-even point for an Ultramax of around $12,000 per day.

According to the trend of Freight Forward Agreements (FFAs), the rate is expected to rise further in April to $15,600, indicating a high-price trend.

Asset-light players refer to operators (shipping companies) that transport cargo contracted by themselves using spot or short-term chartered vessels, without owning their own ships or long-term chartered vessels.

When the shipping market crashed following the outbreak of the Lehman Shock in 2008, Japanese and European shipping operators with long-term charters incurred enormous charter fee debts. There were numerous bankruptcies related to the cancellation of long-term charters and loss management, along with many cases of unpaid charter fees.

Among Japanese ship operators, since the mid-2010s, some companies have been avoiding long-term charters in the dry sector, instead composing their fleets with medium-term and short-term chartered vessels.

FFAs are transactions that fix future spot freight rates or charter rates against the fluctuating real-world shipping market conditions.

Bulkers and tankers, which are key to the formation of the shipping market, primarily use FFAs, and Japanese shipping companies also adopt them from a risk hedging perspective.

Most Japanese ship operators engage in FFA transactions within the scope of their own ships or long-term charters. Meanwhile, some operators in Europe, effectively with “zero vessels on hand,” utilize FFAs to combine transported cargo with vessels.

Currently, the struggle in the FFA market is believed to be more due to the bullish outlook on short-term charter rates, which FFAs benchmark, rather than the FFA transactions themselves.

As of December 23, 2023, the Freight Forward Agreement (FFA) for an Ultramax vessel in December was $16,250, significantly higher than the spot charter rate of $15,063 on the same day.

Japanese ship operators often transport cargo such as those under a Contract of Affreightment (COA) with power companies by procuring vessels on the spot market.

When the actual charter rate at the time of transportation is higher than the expected charter rate for cargo contracted at a lower freight level, it leads to situations where operators are forced into operating at a loss.

In the current dry market, the availability of medium-sized bulkers in the Atlantic is tight, while there is a sense of excess capacity in the Pacific.

In the Atlantic, due to the circumvention of the Suez Canal and the Ukraine crisis, many global shipping companies have canceled their vessel allocations, leading to a scarcity of available spot ships.

Because the charter rates for Freight Forward Agreements (FFAs) are determined by the average of both the Atlantic and Pacific, the freight rates for cargoes in the Pacific, where a sense of excess ship capacity is prominent, remain low. The majority of contracts for Japanese ship operators are in the Pacific region.

Japanese ship operators, compelled to procure ship capacity, must charter bulkers on a short-term basis, with the FFA charter rates, which anticipate higher future rates, serving as the benchmark.

There have been instances where losses in the FFA market have led to changes in management.

■FFA stands for Forward Freight Agreement.
It’s a financial instrument used in the shipping industry that allows participants to hedge against the volatility of future spot freight rates by setting them in advance. There’s no actual chartering of vessels involved; instead, transactions are conducted for different types of ships. Because short-term charter and spot freight rates in the real market are prone to fluctuate wildly due to supply and demand factors, FFAs provide a way to lock in future spot freight rates beforehand, offering a measure of predictability and risk management for shipping companies.

〆FFA(Freight Forward Agreement)が想定以上に上昇、赤字運航が発生している。




















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