〆Visiting the Heart of Innovation: A Tour of East Winds Asia’s Tokyo Bayside Headquarters

〆East Winds Asia Pioneers Techniques for Handling Offshore Wind Foundations in Japan’s Space-Constrained Ports

May 1, 2024 — As most workers around the globe enjoy a day off for May Day and Japan revels in the midst of Golden Week, I was navigating my way to the Tokyo Bayside Building in the Minato coastal district of Tokyo amidst escalating rain and winds. Hailing a taxi at Shinbashi, I informed the driver of my destination, and we set off along the Metropolitan Expressway’s Odaiba Line. My driver, nervously admitting it was his first day, soon confessed, “I’m sorry, I can’t manage to get us there.”

Upon arriving, I understood his concern. The building stood prominently next to the Pilot Building, directly beneath the Rainbow Bridge, with a commanding view of Tokyo Bay along the cutting edge of Shibaura’s coastal road. Its red-brick facade exuded a refined charm.

Upon reaching the fourth-floor office, I was greeted by Mr. Justus Schoemaker and Mr. Dmitrii Grechushkin. Mr. Schoemaker, a man with 30 years of experience as a merchant ship captain, is the president of the Dutch-Japanese Maritime Desk, a company rooted in the Netherlands but based in Tokyo since its inception in December 2013. He is also a director at Finsulate, a company known for its eco-friendly antifouling materials for ship hulls.

Originally, my visit was meant for a casual lunch with the well-acquainted Mr. Schoemaker. However, he introduced me to Mr. Masamori Shibuta, president of Shibuta Kaiun, a tugboat operator and owner of vessels up to 12,000 deadweight tonnage, and the building’s proprietor.

Mr. Schoemaker and Mr. Shibuta have collaborated to co-found East Winds Asia. This joint venture between Dutch-Japanese Maritime Desk, Shibuta Kaiun, and their Dutch partner DHLC focuses on facilitating the adoption of offshore wind power in Japan, developing methods for transporting and storing massive wind turbine foundations in limited space and high endurance ports.

Their partnership illuminates significant challenges. “Ports in Japan and other Asian countries are currently ill-equipped for the offshore wind foundation facilities, which now weigh as much as 2,000 tonnes. Only a handful of ports can handle over 1,000 tonnes without major investment,” they noted.

As a leader in offshore wind technology, transportation, and expertise, the Netherlands is a crucial partner. East Winds Asia aims to integrate large barges and Crew Transfer Vessels (CTVs) in collaboration with Dutch firms, paving the way for a sustainable energy future in Japan. This initiative not only addresses logistical challenges but also sets a precedent for international collaboration in renewable energy infrastructure development.

〆私はEast Winds Asiaが本社を置く東京ベイサイドビルを訪問した。
〆East Winds Asiaは日本の洋上風力発電の導入を念頭に、限られたスペースと地盤耐力のある港で洋上風力基礎を輸送・保管する方法を検討している。


 私が4回のオフィスに行くとMr.Justus SchoemakerとMr.Dmitrii Grechushkinの2人が出迎えてくれた。Mr. SchoemakerはDutch- Japanese Maritime Desk 株式会社の社長である。Dutch- Japanese Maritime Deskはオランダにルーツを持つ日本企業で、東京に本拠を置き、2013年12月に設立された。Mr. Schoemakerは30年にわたる商船の船長の経験を持ち、オランダと日本の海洋産業に関わってきた。

 Mr. SchoemakerはDUJAM Deskだけでなく、船底塗料を使わず環境に優しい船底用防汚材を提供するFinsulate社の役員でもある。
 当初、私の訪問目的は従来から既知のMr. Schoemakerとランチを共にすることだった。しかし、Mr. Schoemakerは私にそのビルの所有者であり、タグボート事業、1万2000重量トン級の近海船の船主でもある渋田海運(Shibuta Kaiun)の渋田正盛(Mr.Masamori Shibuta)社長を紹介してくれた。

 Mr. SchoemakerとMr.Shibutaは折半出資でEast Winds Asiaを設立した。
 East Winds Asiaは日本の企業DUJAM DeskとShibuta KaiunがオランダのパートナーDHLCと協力して設立した合弁事業である。
 East Winds Asiaは日本の洋上風力発電の導入を念頭に、限られたスペースと地盤耐力のある港で洋上風力基礎を輸送・保管する方法の開発を進めている。


 オランダは洋上風力発電の設備、輸送、そしてそのノウハウを持つ国である。East Winds Asiaは日本企業としてオランダ企業と協力しながら、大型バージやCTV(Crew Transfer Vessel)の導入を検討していく方針だ。


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