〆NYK Bulkship (Atlantic) held a social gathering with Greek shipowners in the suburbs of Athens, attended by 160 people.
On May 30, 2024, NYK Bulkship (Atlantic), the European base of Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK), held a social gathering with Greek shipowners at the resort beach of Palaio Faliro near Athens. In his opening address, Managing Director Yasuaki Tsuno stated:
“This is our third-social gathering since we started in 2021. This event follows the NYK Dry Bulk Safety Practitioners Conference 2024 held in the suburbs of Athens this January. Our relationships with Greek shipowners extend beyond dry bulk to LNG (liquefied natural gas) vessels, and have deepened through MarCoPay, NYK’s financial platform business for seafarers.”

Approximately 160 people, including representatives from Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK), gathered for the social event. During the Posidonia Maritime Exhibition starting on June 3, 2024, Greek shipowners, overseas brokers, and marine equipment manufacturers will host social gatherings mainly in the evening. The event organized by NYK Bulkship (Atlantic) took place at Palaio Faliro, one of Athens’ premier resort areas, known for its yacht moorings and passenger ship gateways.
A participating Greek shipowner commented:
“My relationship with NYK began at the Safety Practitioners Conference in January this year. Since then, my company has adopted MarCoPay. We are also considering entering into a long-term charter agreement with NYK.”

Another Greek shipowner shared their thoughts:
“Many of NYK’s local representatives are young freshmen. Many young representatives from Antwerp and the Tokyo headquarters participated, creating an environment conducive to practical discussions.”
Traditionally, the relationship between major Japanese shipping companies and Greek shipowners has been centered around temporary charter agreements. However, since 2021, NYK has been actively seeking opportunities to deepen its connections with Greek shipowners. In January 2024, NYK hosted the Safety Practitioners Conference, marking a significant step in strengthening trade relations with Greek shipowners, including long-term charter agreements.

Managing Director Yasuaki Tsuno concluded his remarks by stating, “Going forward, we aim to engage with Greek shipowners at least twice a year through events such as the annual Safety Practitioners Conference and social gatherings like this.”
日本郵船の欧州拠点であるNYKバルクシップ(アトランティック)は2024年5月30日、アテネ近郊の海岸沿いのリゾートビーチ「パライオ ファリロ(Palaio Faliro)」でギリシャ船主らとの懇親会を開催した。津野泰明(Yasuaki Tsuno)マネージング・ディレクターは冒頭の挨拶で次のように語った。

当日の懇親会には、日本郵船の関係者含め約160人が集まった。2024年6月3日から開始するポシドニア海事展に合わせ、ギリシャ船主や海外ブローカー、舶用機器メーカーが夕暮れ時を中心に懇親会を開催する。NYKバルクシップ(アトランティック)が開催した「パライオ ファリロ」はアテネでも有数のリゾート地であり、ヨットの係留所や客船の玄関口となっている。
