〆MTS (Mission to Seafarers) Yokohama Hosts Sea Sunday Gathering

On July 14, 2024, with light rain falling, I walked along the path leading to the Yokohama Yamate Christ Church in Naka-ku, Yokohama. The Mission to Seafarers (MTS), a charitable organization supporting seafarers and originating from the United Kingdom, holds church events worldwide on the second Sunday of July to show appreciation for seafarers.
(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)

At 9 a.m., as I stepped inside the church, I noticed Mr. Christopher Eve sitting in the front row. Christopher Eve is the President of Informa Markets Japan, the world’s largest event media group, organizing around 20 maritime events annually, including Sea Japan and Bari Ship, and events related to jewelry, food, and health.

From my long association with Christopher Eve, I know that after graduating from high school, he became a seafarer with Cunard Line, serving on international routes including Kobe, Japan. He later enrolled in a university in the UK, majoring in Japanese. Reflecting on his experiences, he remarked, “At that time, all Japanese ocean-going vessels were state-of-the-art. I was deeply impressed by how remarkable Japan was as a country.”

Christopher Eve currently serves as the representative of MTS Japan. Although he has lived in Japan for over 30 years, even he found the humid air and temperature of the day quite overwhelming.

Currently, the Port Chaplain of the MTS Japan branch (MTS Yokohama) is Mr. Andrew Dangerfield. This is his second time serving as a chaplain in Japan, having arrived in 2021, marking three years since his return. Reflecting on these three years, Dangerfield commented.

“When I came to Yokohama for the second time, the coronavirus was rampant, and my visits to ships were limited to just the entrance. However, now I can enter the mess room (dining area) and the deck, allowing me to speak directly with the captains and crew. By talking to them directly, I can listen to their stresses and concerns.”

Despite these improvements, seafarers still face anxiety and stress. According to Dangerfield, car carriers do not sail in the Red Sea, but they do head to unloading points near the Middle East. “Such anxiety always follows them. It’s only natural given the continuous attacks by the Houthis in the Red Sea. I listen to the concerns and anxieties of the car carrier crew and coordinate with my fellow chaplains in Singapore, where the ships also dock, to help reduce the seafarers’ stress,” said Dangerfield.

MTS was established in 1856 as a charitable organization supporting seafarers in the UK. Initially, it was founded as a Christian organization due to the large number of British seafarers. Today, the seafarers’ nationalities range from the Philippines, China, Myanmar, and more, supporting seafarers regardless of nationality, race, or religion in both material and spiritual aspects. In Japan, MTS operates mainly in the ports of Kobe, Yokohama, and Tokyo.

On the day of the ceremony, seafarers and their families gathered at the church.

During the Sea Sunday Eucharist, Dangerfield touched on the importance of maritime transport, which is responsible for transporting consumables, and the crucial role of seafarers who support it under harsh working conditions. He called on everyone to pray for the seafarers.

Afterward, the traditional tea party was held in the building next to the church, which also serves as Dangerfield’s home.

The gathered seafarers and their families all expressed their hopes for the safety and health of the seafarers. Sea Sunday is an annual event held worldwide to pray for the health and safety of seafarers. This year marks my sixth participation, and I plan to continue visiting Yokohama every second Sunday of July in the future.

〆MTS(Mission To Seafarers)横浜がSea Sundayの集会を開催した

 午前9時、一歩、協会の中へ入ると、最前列の席にCristopher Eve氏が既に座っているのが私の目に入った。Christopher Eve氏は世界最大のイベント・メディアグループのInforma Markets Japan社長としてSea Japan、Bari Shipといった海事イベント、宝石や食品、健康などのイベントを年間20回行っている。

 私はCristopher Eve氏との長い関係から、彼が高校卒業後、キュナードの船員となり日本の神戸など外航航路の船員だったことを知っている。その後、イギリスで大学に入学し、日本語を専攻、「当時、日本の外航船は全て最新鋭のもので、日本という国はなんと素晴らしいのだろう」と感じたという。

 Cristopher Eve氏は現在、MTS日本代表を務める。日本に住んで30年以上経つが、この日の湿った空気と温度には彼も閉口したようだ。

 現在、MTS日本支部(MTS横浜)のポートチャプレン(Port chaplain)はアンドリュー・デンジャーフィールド(Andrew Dangerfield)が務める。彼の日本でのチャプレンは2度目、今回は2021年に来日して既に3年が経過した。








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