〆 Opinion: A Prime Opportunity for Japan’s Leading Shipping Companies to Adopt IFRS

(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)
For shipping companies listed on the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the current financial climate presents an opportune moment to transition from Japanese accounting standards to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Following record-breaking performances over the past two fiscal years (2021-2022), these companies have seen significant improvements in their financial standings. Particularly for the top three shipping giants—Nippon Yusen (NYK Line), Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL), and Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha (K Line)—now appears to be the ideal time to implement IFRS if they have such plans.

The primary reason these leading shipping companies have hesitated to adopt IFRS has been the requirement to recognize lease liabilities as both assets and liabilities on their balance sheets.

NYK Line, MOL, and K-Line collectively operate approximately 2,000 vessels, with 60-70% (1,200 to 1,400 ships) chartered from Japanese or foreign shipowners on long-term contracts. Should IFRS be adopted, these multi-year, medium- to long-term contracts would effectively be treated as the shipping companies’ assets. Consequently, the ships chartered from external shipowners to keep debt off their balance sheets would also have to be recognized as interest-bearing liabilities of the shipping companies.

Before 2000, major shipping companies faced a debt-to-equity ratio (DER) that had ballooned to 1.5-2 times, and there were concerns that, when including the debts from chartered ships, the DER could swell to 3-5 times.

Thanks to the remarkable performance over the past three years, the equity capital of the top three shipping companies has expanded from 1.5 trillion to 2.5 trillion yen, nearly tenfold.

Currently, even when adding the estimated 500-600 billion yen of interest-bearing debts from chartered ships per company, the DER remains within the range of 0.5-0.6 times. Furthermore, the adoption of IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) currently offers advantages to major shipping companies.

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), which develops IFRS standards, has decided to require companies adopting IFRS to disclose the breakdown of their operating profit starting from fiscal 2027. There is a discussion about whether the profits from equity method affiliates, where the parent company holds around a 30% stake, should be considered as part of the actual “operating performance” of the company.

However, by disclosing the details of operating profit, it becomes clear whether the operating profit is earned by the main company or by its equity affiliates. Nippon Yusen, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, and Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha incorporate the equity method profits from their jointly owned container shipping company ONE into their ordinary profits. Consequently, their profits significantly increase from the operating profit stage to the ordinary profit stage, making it easier for investors and analysts to understand their financial results.

The absolute amount of equity method profits from ONE is also discernible, as it exceeds the operating profits of the main companies.

It appears that under Japanese standards, equity method profits are included in ordinary profits. For listed shipping companies in Japan, there are no concerns about an increase in DER due to the asset and liability recognition of lease contracts as defined by IFRS. Furthermore, in recent years, major shipping companies have been focusing on increasing their operating profits, which have been relatively modest compared to their ordinary profits. Now is the opportune moment for major shipping companies to transition to IFRS.

(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)










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