〆I had the pleasure of meeting Takao Kusakari, the legendary former President and Chairman of Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK Line).

On July 16, 2024, I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Takao Kusakari, who served as President and Chairman of Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK Line) and also held the position of Vice President of the Japan Business Federation. During his active career, I was just a budding journalist and had few opportunities to interview him for work.

However, Mr. Kusakari and I shared a common passion: rugby. Mr. Kusakari was a member of the rugby team at Hibiya High School, one of Japan’s top schools. I also played rugby during my student days. Rugby players can become “friends” regardless of age or profession.

Mr. Kusakari and I met at the “Kaiun League,” a rugby league for the maritime industry. We saw each other every weekend at the Tobitakyu Ground owned by NYK Line or the Kakio Ground owned by Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL).

In my twenties, I was a member of the MOL team, and our rivals were the NYK Line team. Although Mr. Kusakari had already retired as a player, his sharp eyes remained, and he sang NYK’s rugby songs with the team members during the post-match receptions.

The photo below was taken in 2018 when I wrote my series on Mr.Kusakari.

Even after leaving the maritime industry, Mr. Kusakari became the Chairman of the Cancer Institute Hospital of JFCR, motivated by his own experience with cancer at the age of around 50. He currently serves as the Chairman of the Foundation for the Victims of Crime.

The Foundation provides scholarships to the children of parents who have died unexpectedly or been severely disabled due to crime, helping those who face financial difficulties in continuing their education. Mr. Kusakari, now 84, remains energetic. Seeing his lively appearance after a long time gave me, at 55, a boost of energy.

I wrote a 14-part series about Mr. Kusakari in the Japan Maritime Daily from November 2018 to February 2019. Below is the URL for the first article in that series. The articles are in Japanese, but I plan to translate them into English and publish them here soon. I wish Mr. Kusakari continued good health.

〆日本海運のレジェンド、元日本郵船社長、会長の草刈隆郎(Takao Kusakari)氏にお会いした。

 私は2024年7月16日、日本郵船の社長、会長を歴任し、経団連副会長(Vice president for Japan Business Federationなど要職を務めた草刈隆郎(Takao Kusakari)さんとお会いする機会を得た。草刈さんが現役時代、私はまだ駆け出しの記者であり、仕事上で取材する機会は少なかった。
 海運業界を離れた後も「公益財団法人がん研究会 有明病院」(The Cancer Institute Hospital of JFCR)の理事長に就任。自身が50歳前後に癌にかかったことが就任要請を受けた動機にある。現在も「公益財団法人犯罪被害救援基金」の理事長を務めている。


 私は草刈さんについて、Japan Maritime Daily紙面にて2018年11月から2019年2月まで14回の連載記事を書いた。その連載第1回のURLを下記に記す。日本語での記事なので、近く、英語に翻訳して本欄で掲載したいと思っている。私は草刈さんがいつまでも健康でいることを願っている。


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