〆Japan Maritime Daily holds the global shipping seminar in Singapore on 16 September 2024  Applications have just opened

Valuable discussion for new fuels will be held among Mr. Mikal Bøe, the Chairman & CEO of CORE POWER, and key global VIP speakers.

On Monday, 16 September 2024, the leading maritime newspaper in Japan, Japan Maritime Daily (JMD) will host the global seminar in Singapore, The Future of Shipping with Alternative Fuels, on the theme of ‘New Era Fuels for Ships’. Co-organized with the Singapore Exchange (SGX), the seminar will show the future of new fuels through the initiatives of major shipping companies and panel discussions.

The keynote speaker will be Mikal Bøe, Chairman&Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of CORE POWER, who will explain the nuclear energy for net-zero emission shipping.

SGX Group’s Director Kenneth Ng will give a presentation titled “Pathways to Decarbonisation: Using Shipping and Transitional Fuel Derivatives.” Ms. Jasmin Tan, Director (International Maritime Centre) Maritime & Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) will also give a special lecture.

In addition, a panel discussion moderated by Hirofumi Yamamoto, Executive Officer of The Japan Maritime Daily, will include Mr. Jigo Hayashi, Joint General Manager of Tokyo Century Corporation’s Ship Finance Division, and Mr. Cheong Jin Yu, Head of Baltic Exchange Asia, on the challenges of decarbonization, including new fuels. A networking party will be held after the seminar, free of charge.

Date and time: 16 September 2024 (Monday), 1:00 pm – 4:20 pm (seminar).
Networking party after the seminar.
Venue: SGX Auditorium, 2 Shenton Way, #02-02 SGX Centre 1, Singapore
Language: English (A summary will be published in The Japan Maritime Daily later.)
Participation fee: Free of charge. capacity of 150 persons.

・Opening Remarks: JMD and SGX
・Keynote speech: “Why shipping needs Nuclear energy” by Mr. Mikal Bøe, the Chairman & CEO of CORE POWER
・Speech: “Pathways to Decarbonization: Using Shipping and Transitional Fuel Derivatives.”
by Kenneth Ng, Director SGX Group.
・Speech: Ms. Jasmin Tan Director (International Maritime Centre) Maritime & Port Authority of Singapore (MPA)

・Panel discussion
Mr. Jigo Hayashi – Joint General Manager, Tokyo Century Corporation
Mr. Michimasa Noda – Vice President, Corporate Strategy and Sustainability, Ocean Network Express
Mr. Jin Yu Cheong – Head of Baltic Asia, Baltic Exchange
Hirofumi Yamamoto, Executive Officer of The Japan Maritime Daily (moderator)
Additional speaker or topic to be confirmed

To register, please apply via registration form

〆Japan Maritime Daily主催の星港セミナー「次世代の船舶燃料」テーマに。9月16日、コア・パワーのボーCEOが基調講演

日本海事新聞社は2024年9月16日(月・祝)、シンガポールで次世代の船舶燃料をテーマに「The Future of Shipping with Alternative Fuels」セミナーを開催します。シンガポール取引所(SGX)との共催で、主要船社、融資関係者の取り組みや、パネルディスカッションでの議論を通じて船舶燃料の未来を提示します。


【主題】The Future of Shipping with Alternative Fuels(船舶の代替燃料の未来)
【会場】SGXオーディトリアム(2 Shenton Way, #02-02 SGX Centre 1、シンガポール)
■基調講演「Why shipping needs Nuclear energy」(ミカル・ボー氏 コア・パワー)
■講演Pathways to Decarbonization: Using Shipping and Transitional Fuel Derivative(脱炭素化への道筋:海運と移行期燃料派生物の活用)(ケネス・ウン氏 シンガポール取引所)、タイトル未定(ジャスミン・タン氏 シンガポール海事港湾庁)


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