〆Marubeni to Launch “Pay-for-Performance” Scheme for Ship Coatings to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Marubeni Corporation is set to introduce a new sales scheme for anti-fouling ship coatings designed to improve fuel efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions during operations. This initiative, available through a dedicated website, aims to support the shipping industry in its efforts to mitigate environmental impact.

Under the new scheme, Marubeni will initially cover the cost difference between conventional coatings and the new, more effective coatings. Shipowners will only pay a portion of the savings achieved through improved fuel efficiency, verified by comparing past fuel consumption records.

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has set an ambitious target for the shipping industry to halve GHG emissions by 2050 compared to 2008 levels. With this goal in mind, both operators and shipowners are seeking concrete measures to reduce their carbon footprint. The anti-fouling coatings sold by Marubeni prevent the increase in frictional resistance caused by hull fouling. Using these coatings can lead to significant fuel savings and a reduction in GHG emissions.

Marubeni has tested these coatings on its vessels over a three-year period, confirming that ships coated with this product achieve an estimated 5-15% improvement in fuel efficiency and a corresponding reduction in GHG emissions compared to those using conventional coatings.

1)Hull Condition After Using Marubeni’s Coatings for Approximately 24 Months

2)Hull Condition After Using Conventional Coatings for Approximately 30 Months

Previously, the high upfront costs associated with such innovative products have been a barrier to their adoption. Marubeni’s new scheme addresses this challenge by alleviating the initial financial burden and concerns about effectiveness. This approach not only supports international efforts to combat global warming but also contributes to the sustainable development of the shipping industry.





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