〆PPC and BHP Equip Nippon Marine’s Copper Concentrate and Sulfuric Acid Carrier “KORYU” with Rotor Sail Developed by Norsepower

Pan Pacific Copper (PPC, headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo) and the Anglo-Australian resources giant BHP Group have announced the installation of a wind-assisted Rotor Sail system on the copper concentrate and sulfuric acid carrier (in Japanese, Koryusen) “KORYU,” operated by SENKO Group Holdings’ Nippon Marine. The Rotor Sail, developed by Finnish company Norsepower Oy Ltd, is expected to achieve a 5-6% fuel savings.

Pan Pacific Copper is a Joint Venture between JX Advanced Metals Corporation (47.8%), Mitsui Mining and Smelting Co., Ltd. (32.2%), and Marubeni Corporation (20%). PPC is a non-ferrous material supplier involved in the procurement of raw materials, smelting, processing, and product sales, primarily focusing on copper and other non-ferrous metals.

Nippon Marine is a shipping company jointly owned by SENKO Group Holdings (60%) and JX Advanced Metals Corporation (40%).

The Koryusen, capable of transporting both copper concentrate and sulfuric acid simultaneously, is an exclusive transport vessel of the JX Advanced Metals Group. It transports approximately 150,000 tons of copper concentrate and 100,000 tons of sulfuric acid annually between Japan and Chile. Typically, solid copper concentrate and liquid sulfuric acid cannot be loaded in the same hold, requiring two separate vessels. However, ”Koryusen” resolves this issue by placing the copper concentrate hold in the center and the sulfuric acid tanks on the outer sides, among other design innovations.

The Rotor Sail installed on this occasion is 35 meters in height and 5 meters in diameter, designed to tilt to facilitate cargo handling operations at the port. The installation work was carried out in June this year, and the vessel is currently sailing from Japan to Chile. According to simulations and actual observation data conducted by Norsepower, the use of the Rotor Sail is expected to achieve a 5-6% fuel savings. The three companies will monitor the reduced fuel consumption and GHG emissions to verify the results.

Uemura, an executive officer of PPC, stated, “The installation of the Rotor Sail is a significant step towards the sustainable operation of the ‘KORYU’. We anticipate observing tangible effects in actual operation.”

〆PPCとBHPは日本マリン運航の銅精鉱兼硫酸輸送船( copper concentrate and sulfuric acid carrier)「KORYU」にノースパワー(Norsepower Oy Ltd)が開発したローターセイルを搭載した

パンパシフィック・カッパー(PPC、本社・東京都港区)と資源メジャーの豪英BHPグループはセンコーグループ(SENKO Group Holdings)の日本マリン(Nippon Marine)が運航する銅精鉱兼硫酸輸送船(in Japanese Koryusen)「KORYU」に風力推進補助装置「ローターセイル」(a wind-assisted Rotor Sail system)を設置したと発表した。フィンランド企業ノースパワー(Norsepower Oy Ltd)が開発したローターセイルを搭載することで、5―6%の燃料節減効果を見込む。

 パンパシフィック・カッパーは、JX金属(JX Advanced Metals Corporation 47.8%)、三井金属鉱業(Mitsui Mining and Smelting Co., Ltd .32.2%)、丸紅(Marubeni Corporation 20%)


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