〆Hudong-Zhonghua Secures Order for 1 LNG Bunkering Vessel from TotalEnergies

Hudong-Zhonghua, a prominent Chinese shipbuilder, has secured an order from French energy giant TotalEnergies to construct an 18,600 cubic meter LNG bunkering vessel. According to Hudong-Zhonghua, the new LNG bunkering vessel will measure 135.9 meters in length, 24.5 meters in width, and 16 meters in depth. The vessel will be classed by Bureau Veritas (BV).

Industry sources reveal that the owner of the vessel will be Spanish shipping company Ibaizabal, with TotalEnergies acting as the operator. The contract also includes an option for an additional 18,600 cubic meter LNG bunkering vessel, referred to as the “V3.0 version.” Hudong-Zhonghua plans to deliver the vessel by the end of 2026.

The demand for LNG bunkering vessels is expected to rise in the coming years. Major Japanese shipping companies, including NYK Line, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, and Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, are actively expanding their LNG bunkering operations. Additionally, Japanese shipyards are also constructing LNG bunkering vessels to meet this growing demand.


中国のHudong-Zhonghua社は、フランスの大手エネルギー会社TotalEnergies社向けに、18,600立方㍍のLNGバンカリング船1隻の建造を受注した。Hudong-Zhonghua社によると、新しいLNGバンカリング船は全長135.9メートル、幅24.5メートル、深さ16メートル。この船の船級はBureau Veritas (BV)になる。
この契約には18,600立方㍍のLNGバンカー船1隻のオプション 「V3.0バージョン 」も含まれている模様だ。Hudong-Zhonghuaは2026年末までに同船を引き渡す予定である。



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