〆Lecture at Tokushima Shipowners’ Association on “Geopolitical and Accident Risks in Ocean Shipping”

On July 29, 2024, I will be giving a lecture at a study session organized by Tokushima Taisho Bank (THE TOKUSHIMA TAISHO BANK LTD., headquartered in Tokushima City), which has in-ship financing. The theme of my lecture is “Geopolitical and Accident Risks in Ocean Shipping.” There are 11 shipowners in Tokushima in total, but only two have ventured into international shipping. The remaining nine are domestic shipowners, who are considering entering the international market in the future. Today, 30 to 40 people, including officials from Tokushima Taisho Bank, are expected to attend.

As a maritime journalist, I cannot provide a lecture rich in practical insights. However, based on my over 20 years of experience as a maritime journalist, I can explain how geopolitical risks contribute to the rise in the shipping market and how accidents instantly clarify the legal and moral relationships between charterers, shipowners, and ship management companies.

In the past, I have attended and reported on major maritime accident press conferences. Additionally, the position of shipowners significantly differs depending on whether the charter is TC, a time charter or a BBC, a bareboat charter, and whether the charterer is a Japanese operator or an overseas operator. I plan to touch upon these points in my lecture today. The Japanese materials used in the lecture will be translated into English and posted here at a later date.

〆徳島船主会で”Geopolitical and Accident Risks in Ocean Shipping”というテーマで講演します

 私は2024年7月29日、船舶融資を手掛ける地方銀行の徳島大正銀行(THE TOKUSHIMA TAISHO BANK LTD. 本社・徳島市)が主催する「徳島船主の勉強会」で講師を務める。テーマは”Geopolitical and Accident Risks in Ocean Shipping”である。徳島船主は全体で11社あるが、外航船主に進出しているのは2社だけ。残りの9社は内航船主であり、今後、外航船に進出しようと考えている。今日は徳島大正銀行の関係者含め30人―40人が出席する予定である。

 過去、大きな海難事故の記者会見に出席して記事を書いてきた。さらに、その際、定期用船(time charter)か裸用船(bare boat charter)か、用船者が日本のオペレーターか海外オペレーターかの違いで船主の置かれるポジションが大きく影響する。この点について、私は今日、言及したいと考えている。講演会で使う日本語の資料は英語に翻訳して後日、この場にポストする予定である。


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