〆”The Current State of Domestic Shipowners” Insights into the trends of Japanese shipowners, shipbuilders, regional banks, and trading companies

(Series No. 375) Chinese Shipbuilding: Reviving the Eliminated Group. Tokushima Shipowners Aim to Enter the Ocean-going Vessel Market.”

“Visiting Chinese shipyards, I was astonished by their remarkable progress.”

Despite the ongoing heatwave in central Tokyo, a maritime industry professional who had just returned from a tour of Chinese shipyards spoke with invigorated enthusiasm.

■China’s “Shipbuilding Ginza”

Chinese shipyards were once criticized for offering low-cost ships with quality concerns. Indeed, before the Lehman Brothers collapse in 2008, during the shipping boom, several so-called shipyards existed, claiming they would take orders for new ships even before the yards were fully constructed.

These shipyards were expected to be weeded out by the Lehman shock—or so it seemed.

The expert continued, “Private shipyards have made a remarkable comeback. Large-scale yards are sprawling across vast lands. Due to the intense daytime heat, work is concentrated from early morning to noon.”

Photo courtesy =Wikipedia, CSSC Dalian Ship building industry

Japan’s shipyards face a labor shortage, a challenge not mirrored in China.

Another industry insider added, “Due to the real estate slump in China, many workers are moving to shipyards. A director of a Chinese shipyard mentioned that while Japanese shipyards might employ 2,000 workers, they can deploy 5,000. As a result, the delivery times for new ships are ahead of schedule.”

The threat of Chinese shipyards is a concern that has been whispered in Japan’s maritime and shipbuilding industries for years.

The issue lies in the “temperature gap” between those who have visited the sites and those who rely on second-hand information in Japan.

A company shipping division executive remarked, “It’s essential to see it for yourself. There’s no denying that Chinese shipyards are a key factor in the global maritime and shipbuilding industries.”

This isn’t to say Chinese shipyards don’t face challenges. Engine supply has become a bottleneck, leading to fierce competition in the shipbuilding market. Even if Chinese engine manufacturers start licensed production immediately, assessing their quality is crucial.

Nonetheless, as the maritime expert initially mentioned, “The global shipping brokers’ focus on Chinese shipyards is unavoidable. While both Japanese and Chinese shipyards are booked until 2028, it’s noteworthy how many Chinese shipyards are building medium-sized bulk carriers, a traditional strength of Japanese yards.”

Workshop on Ocean-Going Vessels Held

On July 29, about a 15-minute taxi ride from central Tokushima City, the Tokushima Taisho Bank Training Center hosted a gathering of 32 participants from 15 shipping companies and related organizations in Tokushima.

“Currently, we focus mainly on domestic shipping, but we want to expand into ocean-going vessels in the future. I joined this workshop hoping to gain some valuable insights,” said a Tokushima shipowner.

On this day, Tokushima Taisho Bank organized a workshop on ocean-going vessels, inviting Lightship, a provider of digital shipping platforms, and maritime specialist media to discuss risk management and the current state of ocean shipping.

Lightship originally started as an initiative by a major Australian resource company to prevent port accidents and reduce vessel delays. Since 2020, it has evolved into a platform that provides vessel data to a wide range of shipping operators.

However, for shipowners, Lightship’s scores still have significant practical implications. A low score can result in exclusion by operators and restrictions on the regions where vessels can dock.

Yu Yamada, Assistant Director at Lightship, explained, “For example, even if accidents or incidents occur, if their severity and frequency are lower compared to other vessels or management companies, the score will trend upwards. Additionally, if a vessel receives fewer deficiencies or issues during PSC (Port State Control) inspections compared to the past average at that port, the score will not decrease but rather improve.”

In response, several shipowners expressed candid opinions, asking, “How can we improve our Lightship scores? Should we contract with Lightship?”

Mr. Yamada emphasized that the current digital platform for vessels ensures transparency and eliminates arbitrariness.

In ocean shipping, geopolitical risks are increasing in addition to the traditional substandard ships that fail to meet international treaty standards.

Especially when domestic shipowners venture into ocean shipping, they often start with “BBC” (bareboat charter) operations where they do not manage the ships themselves. In such cases, if their vessels are deployed to conflict zones like the Red Sea or the Black Sea, the shipowners and financial institutions have no choice but to negotiate with the operators.

Of course, the participating shipowners are experts in both domestic and international shipping. With a deep understanding of these circumstances, they will consider expanding into ocean shipping.

Tokushima Taisho Bank, through these workshops, aims to share risks with the shipowners and stated, “We will continue to support Tokushima shipowners in their efforts to venture into ocean-going vessels.”

(Domestic Shipowners Editorial Team)

(375)中国造船 淘汰組が復活。外航船への進出目指す徳島船主





















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