〆Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA) Pioneers World’s First Decarbonized LNG-Fueled Capesize Vessel for Bauxite Transport from Guinea to China

United Arab Emirates, : Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA), the world’s largest producer of “premium aluminium,” has announced the successful dispatch of the world’s first bauxite shipment using a liquefied natural gas (LNG)-fueled vessel. The bauxite, mined by EGA’s subsidiary, Guinea Alumina Corporation, is being transported to a customer in China aboard a Capesize vessel.
In 2022, EGA signed an agreement with one of its shipping partners, Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha(KLine), to develop and implement new maritime decarbonization technologies suited for EGA’s bulk cargo routes. These routes span the East Atlantic, the Mediterranean, and the Indian Ocean.

(Text by Hiro Yamamoto)

According to SEA-LNG, a cross-industry coalition, LNG-fueled vessels can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 28% on a tank-to-wake basis compared to ships using traditional marine fuels. The International Energy Agency reported that in 2022, the global shipping industry accounted for over 2% of total greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.

This particular bauxite shipment is loaded on the “Ubuntu Empathy,” an LNG dual-fuel vessel operated by Anglo American and chartered by EGA. The “Ubuntu Empathy” is one of ten low-emission LNG dual-fuel vessels chartered by Anglo American. Essentially, Anglo American has leased the “Ubuntu Empathy” from the shipowner and entered into a time charter agreement with EGA.

Capesize vessels are among the largest bulk carriers in the world, measuring 300 meters in length and 50 meters in width. These ships can carry approximately 180,000 tonnes of bauxite ore.

EGA primarily uses Capesize vessels to transport bauxite ore from the Republic of Guinea to its alumina refinery in Abu Dhabi and to third-party customers worldwide. Last year, EGA exported approximately 14.1 million wet metric tonnes of bauxite from Guinea.

Bauxite is the ore from which aluminium is produced.

Abdulnasser Bin Kalban, Chief Executive Officer of Emirates Global Aluminium, commented: “Aluminium plays an essential role in decarbonizing the global economy. Equally important is the sustainability of aluminium production, which includes the global transportation of millions of tonnes of raw materials. Our approach to decarbonisation is comprehensive, extending beyond our operations to encompass the entire supply chain, including financing. LNG-fuelled cargoes are one of the ways we can reduce our emissions, and we are proud to be at the forefront of using this fuel for shipping bauxite. Our goal is to achieve net zero by 2050, including our supply chain, and to help meet the increasing global demand for low-carbon aluminium.”

EGA’s bauxite mining subsidiary, GAC, has positioned EGA as one of the world’s largest suppliers of commercial bauxite. GAC began production in 2019.

In 2023, EGA became the first aluminium producer and the first Middle Eastern company to join the Sea Cargo Charter.




このボーキサイト貨物は、アングロ・アメリカンが運航し、EGAがチャーターしたLNG二重燃料船「Ubuntu Empathy」に積載されています。「Ubuntu Empathy」は、アングロ・アメリカンがチャーターした10隻の低排出LNG二重燃料船の1隻である。
 つまり、アングロ・アメリカンは船主から「Ubuntu Empathy」を用船し、EGAと定期用船契約を結んでいることになる。






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