〆Breaking News                                Maersk Joins Research into Nuclear-Powered  Container Ships

〆Maersk, Denmark’s largest shipping company, has expressed its participation in research and development efforts for nuclear-powered container ships.

Maersk (A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S) will collaborate with Lloyd’s Register of the UK and CORE POWER, a British-based company, to conduct a joint regulatory assessment. This study aims to determine the safety and regulatory considerations for next-generation nuclear-powered feeder container ships operating in European ports.
CORE POWER and Lloyd’s Register announced the launch of this regulatory assessment by the 15th of the month. Maersk, through a statement, confirmed the involvement of Ole Graa Jakobsen, Head of Fleet Technology at A.P. Moller-Maersk, in this research project.
(Text by Hiro Yamamoto)

Photo courtesy=Maersk, Lloyd’s Register, CORE POWER

■Energy Transition”
The joint study will deepen the understanding of the operational and regulatory requirements necessary for applying nuclear power to container ships, as well as investigate the requirements of the latest safety regulations. The study is set to commence this September and will continue for 12 months.

Ole Graa Jakobsen explained the significance of Maersk’s involvement in researching nuclear propulsion:

“Since Maersk initiated its energy transition strategy in 2018, we have consistently explored various low-emission energy options for our assets (ships). Nuclear power presents several challenges, including safety, waste management, and regulatory acceptance across different regions. So far, the drawbacks have clearly outweighed the advantages of the technology.

“However, if these challenges can be addressed through the development of new so-called fourth-generation reactor designs, nuclear power could mature as another decarbonisation option for the logistics industry within 10 to 15 years. Therefore, Maersk intends to continue monitoring and evaluating this (nuclear propulsion) technology, along with all other low-emission solutions.”

CORE POWER, a UK-based maritime nuclear propulsion development company, last year unveiled a concept design for a 2,800 TEU nuclear-powered boxship using a molten salt reactor.

Core Power Unveils Molten Salt Reactor Potential to Revolutionize Container Shipping

At a customer event last September, Core Power revealed why its molten salt reactor technology could revolutionize container shipping.
Core Power’s CEO, Mikal Bøe, he posted on an article of Splash247 to his LinkedIn as follows. “The new generation of nuclear-powered ships marks the end of slow steaming,” said “Since 2008, large vessels have trended towards slow steaming, resulting in less flexible services.”

■24,000 TEU-Class Mode

According to Core Power’s model, transatlantic transit times could be reduced from 10.2 days to 6.5 days, increasing annual round trips from 28 to 41. A design for a nuclear-powered, ultra-large Megamax container ship was a highlight at last year’s Marintec China exhibition in Shanghai, drawing significant attention.

During the event, Jiangnan Shipyard, a state-owned entity, unveiled a design for a 24,000 TEU vessel incorporating molten salt reactor technology. Jiangnan’s parent company, China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC), stated in a social media post that “this ultra-large nuclear-powered container ship is designed to genuinely achieve zero emissions during its operational cycle.”

Chinese shipyards are already moving ahead with designs for large container ships predicated on nuclear propulsion.

Regarding nuclear energy, Singapore, the world’s largest major port, also took a significant step in July by signing the “123 Agreement,” a key civil nuclear cooperation agreement with the United States, aimed at strengthening bilateral relations and advancing clean energy goals.

Nuclear propulsion has taken a further step forward with a joint study conducted by Maersk, Lloyd’s Register, and Core Power.


マースクは(A. P. Møller – Mærsk A/S、short for Maersk)、英国のロイド船級協会(Lloyd’s Register、コア・パワー(CORE POWER、本社・英国)の3社で、ヨーロッパの港で貨物輸送を行う次世代原子力推進フィーダーコンテナ船の安全性と規制上の考慮事項を決定するための規制評価研究(Joint regulatory assessment)を行う。コア・パワー、LRが15日までに規制評価研究の開始について発表、マースクもその発表文の中でA.P.モラー・マースク社のフリートテクノロジー部門責任者であるオレ・グラ・ヤコブセン(Ole Graa Jakobsen, Head of Fleet Technology, A.P. Moller)が同研究に参加する意向を示した。
(Text by Hiro Yamamoto)




「新しい原子力船は、減速航行の終焉を告げるものだ。 「2008年以来、低速で航行する大型船がトレンドとなっており、柔軟性に欠けるサービスとなっている。

コア・パワーのCEOであるミカル・ボエ(Mikal Bøe)がLinkedInに投稿したSplash247の記事は次のように述べている。
そこで国営江南造船所(Jiangnan Shipyard)は、溶融塩炉技術を取り入れた24,000TEUの船の設計を発表した。


原子力エネルギーについては、世界最大の主要港であるシンガポールも7月、米国と二国間関係の強化とクリーンエネルギー目標の推進に向けた重要な一歩として、「123協定」”123 Agreement”として知られる重要な民間用の核協力協定を締結した。




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