〆European Commission Launches New Platform to Boost Ship Financing and Energy Transition in Maritime Transport

The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport has launched a new “Ship Finance Portal.” This platform is designed to provide shipping companies and organizations with a comprehensive overview of available financial instruments necessary for ship upgrades, retrofitting, improving energy efficiency, and reducing environmental footprints.
(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)

Photo courtesy= European Commission

The portal aggregates European financial products, making it easier for stakeholders in the maritime sector to access suitable financing opportunities. It also provides the latest information on available grants, loans, and other financial products managed by the EU, member states, and private financial institutions. By utilizing this platform, maritime stakeholders are likely to gain access to the most up-to-date funding opportunities.

Access to the portal can be found at the following URL.


■Overview of the Portal:

Integrated Resources: The portal centralizes access to various financing products across Europe, simplifying the search for appropriate funding opportunities for stakeholders in the maritime industry.

・Latest Updates: It provides up-to-date information on grants, loans, and other financing products managed by the EU, member states, and private financial institutions, ensuring that users stay informed about the latest funding opportunities.

・Maritime-Specific Solutions: The portal lists financing products relevant to the maritime industry, facilitating the development and deployment of technologies and services that promote ship decarbonization. This aligns with the EU’s commitment to guiding the maritime sector towards a green transition.

・The launch of this portal marks another step in supporting the maritime industry’s move towards sustainability. Its purpose is to address the lack of information regarding financing opportunities.

・The European Commission is urging all maritime stakeholders, including small and medium-sized enterprises, financial institutions, and other organizations, to explore the Ship Finance Portal and take advantage of the diverse funding opportunities available. This initiative underscores the EU’s dedication to fostering a sustainable and competitive maritime sector.






・統合リソース: ポータルは、さまざまな欧州全体の融資商品へのアクセスを集中化し、海事業界の関係者が適切な融資機会を簡単に探せるようする。

・最新情報: EU、加盟国、民間金融機関によって管理されている助成金、ローン、およびその他の融資商品の最新情報を提供し、ユーザーが最新の融資機会について知ることが可能になる。

・海運業界の特化型ソリューション: ポータルは、海運業界に関連する融資商品をリストアップし、船舶の脱炭素化を促進する技術やサービスの開発と展開を容易にする。これは、EUが海事業界をグリーン転換に導くというコミットメントと一致する。




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