〆Hengli Group Expands Shipbuilding Capacity at Hengli Heavy Industry

On August 15, 2024, Hengli Group Co. Ltd., a leading private petrochemical conglomerate in China, commenced an expansion project at its shipyard located on Changxing Island, Dalian, in Shandong Province, eastern China. The shipyard is operated by Hengli Heavy Industry, the shipbuilding arm of Hengli Group. The Dalian-headquartered group is enhancing its shipbuilding production capacity for large tankers and container ships.
(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)

Established in 2022, Hengli Heavy Industry quickly secured new-build orders from major domestic and international shipowners. The company plans to revitalize idle assets and expand effective investments in northeastern China. Hengli Group intends to invest 9.2 billion yuan ($1.27 billion) into the Hengli Heavy Industry industrial park on Changxing Island, Dalian.

This expansion is set to increase the shipyard’s annual production capacity to 7.1 million tons, significantly boosting the production scale of VLCCs, VLGCs, large container ships, FPSOs, and high-value-added marine engineering equipment. The second phase of the project will build upon the success of the first, with additional investment aimed at further developing the industrial park. It is expected to achieve an annual steel processing capacity of 1.8 million tons and an annual production capacity of 7.1 million deadweight tons (DWT).

■Hengli Heavy Industry Secures Over 30 Newbuild Orders Amid Expanding Shipbuilding Sector

Hengli Heavy Industry currently holds orders for over 30 new-built vessels. According to the China Association of the National Shipbuilding Industry (CANSI), newbuild orders in the first quarter of 2024 reached 24.14 million deadweight tons (DWT), marking a 59% increase compared to the same period last year.

In 2024, while orders for VLCCs (Very Large Crude Carriers) have seen a recovery, the expected decline in container ship orders has not materialized, with continued demand in this sector. The second phase of Hengli’s expansion will focus on constructing high-value green vessels and advanced offshore engineering equipment, including VLCCs, large LNG carriers, ultra-large container ships, Floating Production Storage and Offloading units (FPSOs), offshore wind power facilities, and drilling platforms. When fully operational, Hengli Heavy Industry is expected to process 2.3 million tons of steel annually and produce 180 engines per year.

Hengli Group entered the shipbuilding industry in July 2022 by acquiring a former shipyard in Dalian from South Korea’s STX Group. Since beginning operations in early 2023, Hengli has already delivered two bulk carriers. Moving forward, the company plans to focus on building high-value vessels. The Dalian site had been inactive for an extended period after ceasing operations during the shipbuilding downturn, and the city of Dalian had been actively seeking investment for its revitalization.

〆中国の民間石油化学コングロマリットであるHengli Group Co. Ltd.は、グループ傘下の恒大重工(Hengli Heavy Industry)の造船能力を拡大する。

2024年8月15日、中国東部の山東省にある大連の長興島にある造船所で拡張工事プロジェクトが着工した。この造船所は、Hengliグループの造船部門であるHengli Heavy Industryである。大連に本社を置くHengli Groupは、造船所の大型タンカーとコンテナ船の造船生産能力を拡大している。

Hengli Heavy Industryは現在、30隻以上の新造船を受注している。
第2段階の拡張は、VLCC、大型LNG(液化ガス)船、超大型コンテナ船、浮体式生産貯蔵積出設備(FPSO)、洋上風力発電設備、掘削プラットフォームなど、高価値のグリーン船舶と高度なオフショアエンジニアリング機器の建造に焦点を当てる。Hengli Heavy Industriesは、フル稼働時には年間230万トンの鋼材を処理し、年間180基のエンジンを生産すると見込まれている
恒力集団は2022年7月、韓国STXグループが大連に持っていた同地区の元造船所を買収して造船業に参入した。2023年初めに稼働を開始してからすでにばら積み船2隻の納入実績がある。 今後は付加価値の高い船舶の建造にも力を入れる。 同拠点は造船不況で稼働を止めてから長らく放置された経緯があり、大連市が投資誘致を進めていた。


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