〆Panama Canal Authority to Increase Transit Capacity to 36 Vessels in September

The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) announced on August 15, 2024, that it will increase the number of daily transits through the Panama Canal from the current 35 vessels to 36 vessels, starting on September 1, 2024. Additionally, the ACP notified shipping companies that, effective August 15, the maximum allowable draft for vessels passing through the Neo-Panamax locks will be raised to 50 feet (15.24 meters). The ACP explained that this adjustment in draft allowance is based on the current and projected water levels of Gatun Lake in the coming weeks.

(Text by Hiro Yamamoto)

■Drought Impact on Panama Canal Operations and Global Shipping

Since 2023, the Panama Canal has faced restrictions on the number of vessels passing through daily due to the ongoing drought. The canal relies on freshwater for its operations, avoiding the use of seawater, which could cause corrosion and other issues with the machinery installed in the canal. The freshwater supply to the canal is sourced from Gatun Lake, which also serves as a critical water source for Panama City. As a result of the prolonged drought, the amount of freshwater available from Gatun Lake has decreased, leading to a limitation on the number of vessels allowed to transit the canal each day.

The restrictions on transiting the Panama Canal have significantly impacted global shipping companies. Serving as a crucial conduit between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, the Panama Canal is essential for the passage of various types of vessels, including container ships, bulk carriers, gas carriers, and car carriers. According to the Japanese Embassy in Panama, 13,003 vessels passed through the Panama Canal in the 2022 fiscal year (based on the Panama Canal Authority’s fiscal year). While the combined daily reservation slots for the Panamax and Neopanamax locks were limited to 22 vessels by the end of 2023, this number gradually increased to 34 vessels by July 2024.

The restrictions on the Panama Canal’s operations led to congestion on both the Pacific and Atlantic sides of the canal, resulting in an increase in idle vessels. This decrease in available shipping capacity contributed to a rise in global shipping rates. Additionally, with attacks on commercial vessels in the Suez Canal and Red Sea by the Houthi militia, many global shipping companies have opted to reroute via the Cape of Good Hope around South Africa.

While the resumption of full operations in the Panama Canal is expected to help normalize global logistics, there are concerns that the influx of both newly built and existing ships into the market could potentially drive down shipping rates, according to a broker specializing in tramp shipping. The Panama Canal Authority stated that the increase in transiting vessels from September onwards is intended to commemorate the 110th anniversary of the canal’s operations. This move also reaffirms their commitment to ensuring the availability of water for the Panamanian population.


 パナマ運河庁(ACP)は2024年8月15日、2024年9月1日からパナマ運河の通航隻数を現行の35隻から36隻に増加すると発表した。パナマ運河庁は同時に8月15日から、ネオパナマックス閘門を通過する船舶に許可される最大喫水が50フィート(15.24メートル)に引き上げられると、海運会社へ通知した。パナマ運河庁は喫水を深くすることについて、「今後数週間のガトゥン湖の現在および予測水位に基づくもの」と説明している。(Text by Hiro Yamamoto)




パナマ日本大使館によると、2022 年度にパナマ運河 を通航した船舶は 13,003 隻(パナマ運河庁の年度ベー ス)となっている。







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