〆German Shipyard Meyer Werft Faces Potential Nationalization Despite Strong Disney Cruise Ship Orders

■Despite a strong influx of orders, including several from Disney, the German shipyard Meyer Werft may face nationalization, supported by government intervention.

According to multiple local reports in Germany, the historic shipyard Meyer Werft, headquartered in Papenburg, may be acquired by the state of Lower Saxony and the German federal government. Information from the German editorial network “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland” (RND) suggests that the federal and state governments could take a combined share of approximately 90%. Although Meyer Werft’s order book remains relatively healthy, the company requires funds to pay workers’ wages and avoid insolvency by 15th September 2024. The shipyard currently has ten cruise ships on order, four of which were commissioned by Disney this week.
(Text by Hiro Yamamoto)

Photo courtesy= Meyer Werft

■Material prices soared

Established in 1795 and led by the seventh generation of the Meyer family, the shipyard Meyer Werft finds itself in financial straits despite a strong order book. The primary reason lies in the contracts for some of the cruise ships currently under construction, which were signed before the COVID-19 pandemic. These contracts do not account for the significant rise in energy and material costs or wage inflation that has occurred since then.

Local media reports indicate that Meyer Werft must secure over €2.7 billion (£2.3 billion) by the end of 2027 to cover the rising costs associated with building new ships due to surging material prices.

A rescue plan for the financially troubled Meyer Werft remains elusive. According to the German editorial network “Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland” (RND), a temporary nationalization is being negotiated, with the federal and Lower Saxony state governments potentially acquiring 90% of the shipyard’s shares until 2028. The federal government and Lower Saxony are each expected to contribute €200 million.

Following this, the federal and state governments would provide loan guarantees totaling €2.8 billion. Sources close to the situation have suggested to German media that the government is likely to take a majority stake, effectively making Meyer Werft a state-owned shipyard. There is a high possibility that the government will invest in the shipyard.

■Orders continue to be strong

There are reports that the government and state are considering taking over approximately 90% of Meyer Werft’s shares by 2028, with the federal government and Lower Saxony each contributing €200 million. Additionally, the governments are expected to offer loan guarantees totaling €2.8 billion. While slight adjustments to the share distribution are possible, local media indicate that the state is likely to take a clear majority stake due to the need for advance financing in cruise ship construction.

Meyer Werft currently has orders for 10 cruise ships, one research vessel, and four offshore conversion platforms. The shipyard recently delivered the “Icon of the Seas,” one of the world’s largest cruise ships, to Royal Caribbean International at the end of 2023. Each of these ships is valued at over $1 billion (£800 million). This year, the company also secured orders for two 180,000-ton LNG-powered cruise ships from Carnival Cruise Line and a fourth Disney Wish-class ship from Oriental Land Co., indicating continued strong demand for new builds.

〆ドイツ造船所マイヤー・ヴェルフト(Meyer Werft)はディズニーのクルーズ船の好調な受注の半面、政府の支援で国営化される可能性がある。

 ドイツの複数の現地報道によると、パーペンブルク(Papenburg)に本社を置くドイツの老舗造船所マイヤー・ヴェルフトが、ニーダーザクセン州とドイツ政府によって買収される可能性が出てきた。ドイツ編集ネットワーク「Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland」(RND)の情報によると、連邦政府と州政府が約90%のシェアを担う可能性がある。マイヤー・ヴェルフトの受注状況は比較的良好であるにもかかわらず、同社は2024年9月15日までに労働者に賃金を支払い、倒産を回避するための資金を必要としている。マイヤー・ヴェルフトは10隻のクルーズ船を受注済み。そのうちの4隻は今週ディズニーが発注したものだ。(Text by Hiro Yamamoto)


 財政難に陥ったマイヤー・ヴェルフトの救済計画をめぐる再建策は、未だに解決策が見えていない。ドイツ編集ネットワーク(RND)の情報によると、2028年までの期限付きで、国による90%の株式取得が交渉されているという。 その半分を連邦政府が、半分をニーダーザクセン州がそれぞれ2億ユーロを負担することになる。





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