〆Canada’s First LNG Export Terminal Nears Final Stages of Commissioning
According to the daily oil and gas news website, the BOE Report, momentum is building towards the much-anticipated launch of Canada’s first liquefied natural gas (LNG) export project. LNG Canada has faced numerous challenges in advancing the project, particularly in laying the pipeline from the inland natural gas production areas to the coast, due to environmental concerns.
(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)

The BOE Report cites Martin King, a Canada energy specialist at Houston-based RBN Energy, who suggests that shipments from the LNG Canada terminal in Kitimat, British Columbia, could begin in late 2024, earlier than the mid-2025 timeline that was previously expected.
LNG Canada plans to use the Coastal GasLink pipeline, which was completed in November 2023, to transport gas from northeastern British Columbia to the Kitimat terminal, where it will be processed and shipped. The first phase of the project is expected to have an annual production capacity of up to 14 million tonnes.

Racim Gribaa, a Calgary-based consultant who has worked in Qatar, one of the world’s largest LNG exporters, commented in the BOE Report: “While the scale of LNG Canada’s first phase is only a fraction of the global demand, which was 400 million tonnes in 2023, Asian LNG buyers see LNG Canada as a geographically secure supply source.”
“The Canadian west coast offers the shortest maritime shipping routes to Asia, resulting in optimal transportation costs, making it highly valuable to traders and the LNG industry,” he added.
Petronas, which holds a 25% stake in LNG Canada, recently announced plans to double the size of its North American fleet by adding three LNG ships.

Global demand for LNG, particularly in Asia, is on the rise, and LNG Canada’s partners—Petronas (25%), PetroChina (15%), Mitsubishi (15%), and Korea Gas Corporation (5%)—all have their headquarters in Asia.
The BOE Report is a key source of oil and gas-related news, activities, and information in Canada. Established in January 2013, it is Canada’s most-read daily oil and gas news website, reaching over 100,000 energy professionals each month.

カタールで世界最大級のLNG輸出国で働いていたカルガリーのコンサルタント、ラシム・グリバ(Calgary-based consultant Racim Gribaa)氏はBOEレポートの中で次のように語っている。「LNGカナダの第1期の規模は2023年の世界需要4億400万トンの一部に過ぎないが、アジアのLNG購入者がLNGカナダを地理的に安全な供給源と見なしている」