〆Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK) and Nihon Shipyard(NSY) to Secure World’s First ClassNK Notation for Ammonia-Fueled Ammonia Carrier

〆Highest safety standards for the safe operation of ammonia-fueled vessels

On August 19, 2024, NYK and NSY announced that the ammonia-fueled ammonia carrier (AFMGC: Ammonia-Fueled Medium Gas Carrier) they are jointly developing, slated for completion in November 2026, is expected to be the first in the world to receive the “Machinery Room Safety for Ammonia (MRS)” notation from ClassNK. This classification notation certifies that the vessel has advanced safety measures in place for ammonia handling within the machinery room.

(Text by Hiro Yamamoto)

Photo courtesy=NYK, NSY

Vessels with the MRS notation meet the highest safety requirements for ammonia-fueled ships, indicating that they are equipped with top-tier safety measures.


The consortium, including NYK and NSY, is advancing the design and development of this vessel under the Green Innovation Fund Project by Japan’s New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), with the goal of completion by the end of November 2026. A significant challenge in the research and development has been overcoming the toxicity of ammonia within the machinery room. The vessel’s design includes measures to prevent leaks from pipes and tanks, ensuring the safety of the crew. The consortium members have conducted risk assessments, along with additional evaluations and safety measure planning from the perspective of end-users, particularly chief engineers and engine officers. These efforts have been closely observed in a vessel specification that promises the highest level of safety.

■Overview of the Class Notation “MRS (Machinery Room Safety for Ammonia)”

ClassNK’s safety guidelines for ammonia-fueled vessels specify the minimum design requirements necessary for the safe use of ammonia on board. To obtain the MRS notation, a vessel must meet newly established “functional requirements to minimize the risk of ammonia leakage in the machinery room being exposed to personnel (optional application).” This notation is an additional classification that is awarded only to vessels that satisfy these enhanced safety requirements.

■Future Developments

NYK and NSY will continue detailed examinations leading up to the vessel’s completion in November 2026, and will also prepare operational manuals for practical use. Leveraging the technical know-how and achievements gained, including the acquisition of the MRS notation, they plan to collaborate with related companies to further enhance the safety of ammonia-fueled vessels.

〆日本郵船と日本シップヤード(Nihon Shipyard)は世界初となるアンモニア燃料アンモニア輸送船が船級符号「Machinery Room Safety for Ammonia(MRS)」をClassNKから取得する予定である。

日本郵船と日本シップヤードは2024年8月19日、両社が共同で開発し、2026年11月に完成予定のアンモニア燃料アンモニア輸送船(AFMGC: Ammonia-fueled Medium Gas Carrie)は、機関室に対する優れたアンモニア安全策を備えた船舶であることを示す船級符号の付記(ノーテーション)「Machinery Room Safety for Ammonia (MRS)を日本海事協会(ClassNK)から世界で初めて取得する予定であると発表した。

日本郵船、日本シップヤードが所属するコンソーシアムは国立研究開発法人新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(by Japan’s New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization、NEDO)によるグリーンイノベーション基金事業の助成の元、2026年11月末竣工に向け本船の設計開発を進めている。その研究開発では、機関室内の「毒性の克服」が大きな課題の一つで、本船の配管やタンクから漏洩しない設計など船員の安全を守る対策が必須となる。このため、コンソーシアムメンバーによるリスク評価のほか、機関長・機関士を中心とするユーザー目線からのリスク評価・安全対策の立案、世界最高水準の安全性を実現する本船仕様を検討してきた。

■船級符号の付記(ノーテーション)「MRS(Machinery Room Safety for Ammonia)」の概要




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