The Saudi Arabian national shipping company, Bahri, announced on August 19, 2024, that it has entered into an agreement with leading Greek shipowner, Capital Maritime, and Trading Corporation, to purchase nine VLCCs (Very Large Crude Carriers) for approximately 3.75 billion SAR ($1 billion USD).
(Text by Hiro Yamamoto)
Photo courtesy= Bahri, Capital Maritime and Trading Corporation
According to documents submitted to the Saudi Stock Exchange, Bahri stated that this acquisition significantly advances its fleet modernization plans and reinforces its position as one of the world’s leading VLCC owners.

■Bahri’s Latest Acquisition to Modernize Fleet and Enhance Oil Transport Efficiency
Bahri’s recent acquisition will enable the company to modernize its fleet, particularly within its oil transportation division, which currently operates 40 VLCCs (Very Large Crude Carriers). This move will streamline the phased retirement of older vessels.
Moreover, the acquisition brings state-of-the-art, environmentally friendly, and cost-efficient VLCCs into Bahri’s fleet, enhancing the competitiveness of Bahri’s Oil Transport division and is expected to boost both revenue and profitability.
The majority of the nine VLCCs were built in South Korea, with an average age of 5.9 years. These VLCCs are equipped with scrubbers, offering high energy efficiency and low emissions to reduce environmental impact. Each VLCC has an average deadweight tonnage (DWT) of approximately 311,500.

On the other side, Capital Ship Management Corporation, the seller in this transaction, is backed by Mr. Evangelos Marinakis. According to the company’s website, Capital Maritime has operated 11 VLCCs built between 2010 and 2022, and currently has six LNG dual-fuel vessels under construction at Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Company in China.
Capital Ship Management Corporation is a prominent international shipping operator, providing comprehensive services across all aspects of ship management. The company currently operates a fleet of 38 tankers (15 VLCCs, 10 Aframax, 7 MR/Handy product tankers), with a total tonnage of approximately 7.007 million tons. Capital has extensive experience managing vessels across all tanker segments (VLCC, Suezmax, Aframax/LR2, Panamax/LR1, MR/Handy, small tankers), as well as dry bulk segments (Capesize, Panamax, Handymax, Handy), and other types like OBOs and container ships.
The nine VLCCs acquired by Bahri are scheduled to be delivered by the end of the first quarter of 2025. Bahri will pay 10% of the purchase price at the time of the contract, with the remainder due upon delivery. The purchase will be financed through a combination of bank facilities and internally generated funds.
Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil exporter, holds approximately 17% of the world’s proven petroleum reserves. Bahri operates a fleet of 40 VLCCs, each with a capacity of 2.2 million barrels, making it the largest fleet in the world, according to the company’s website.

サウジアラビア国営海運会社(Bahri)は、現地時間の2024 年 8 月 19 日、 ギリシャ船主大手Capital Maritime and Trading Corporation との間で、VLCC(超大型原油タンカー)9 隻を約 37.5 億 SAR(10 億米ドル)で取得する売買契約を締結したと発表した。
(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)
また今回の船団の買収によりより、Bahriは環境に配慮し、コスト効率に優れた最新鋭の VLCC を保有することになり、Bahri Oil Transport 事業部門の船隊競争力が向上し、売上高および収益性が 向上する見込みである。
VLCC 9隻の大半は韓国で建造され、平均船齢は5.9年。これらはスクラバーを装備したVLCCであり、環境負荷を低減するために高いエネルギー効率と低排出機能を備えている。各VLCCの平均載貨重量トン(DWT)は約311,500である。
一方、キャピタル・シップ・マネジメント・コーポレーションはMr. Evangelos Marinakisが出資している。
キャピタル・シップ・マネジメント・コーポレーションは、船舶管理のあらゆる面で包括的なサービスを提供する著名な外航船オペレーターである。現在38隻のタンカー(VLCC15隻、アフラマックス10隻、MR/ハンディ・プロダクトタンカー7隻、小型タンカー0隻)、総トン数約7007万トンの船隊を運航しています。 キャピタルは、すべてのタンカー・セグメント(VLCC、Suezmax、Aframax/LR2、Panamax/LR1、MR/Handy、小型タンカー)、ドライバルク・セグメント(Cape、Panamax、Handymax、Handy)、さらにOBOやコンテナなど、さまざまな船種とサイズの船舶管理で豊富な経験を有している。