〆Record-Breaking Profit for Greek Shipowner Seanergy Maritime Holding in First Half of 2024

Greek shipowner and leading Capesize owner, Seanergy Maritime Holding (NASDAQ), reported its highest-ever net profit for the first half of 2024. The company saw a significant increase in net profit for the second quarter of 2024, surging to $14.1 million, up from $678,000 in the same period last year. Revenue also saw a sharp rise, reaching $43.1 million this year, compared to $28.3 million in the previous year.
(Text by Hiro Yamamoto)
Photo courtesy= Seanergy Maritime Holding

As a result, Seanergy reversed a net loss of $3.5 million in the first half of 2023 to post a net profit of $24.28 million in the first half of 2024, with revenue almost doubling to $81.4 million.

The average daily time charter equivalent (TCE) rate for Seanergy’s fleet reached $26,636 in the second quarter, representing a premium of approximately 18% over the Baltic Capesize Index (BCI) average of $22,600 for the same period.

According to Seanergy’s 2023 annual report, released last March, several Greek shipowners have increased their stake in Seanergy.

Stamatis Tsantanis, the Company’s Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, stated:
“Seanergy generated record profitability in the second quarter and first half of 2024 as a result of the execution of our successful strategy to position the Company as a leading dry bulk operator with a pure-play Capesize fleet. The Capesize sector continued to perform more strongly than the other dry bulk asset classes, and Seanergy overperformed the Capesize index both in the second quarter and in the first half of the year. The daily TCE of our fleet was $26,636, representing a premium of about 18% compared to the $22,600 average of the Baltic Capesize Index for the period. Our active hedging plan was a main driver of this outperformance.”

“Consistent with our proven strategy of returning capital to shareholders while balancing fleet growth and maintaining a strong balance sheet, our board of directors has adopted an updated dividend policy which further increases our focus on returning capital to our shareholders. Under our updated dividend policy, which targets distribution of approximately 50% of our operating cash flow after debt service, our quarterly dividend increases to $0.25 per share for the second quarter of 2024. Additionally, we resumed our stock repurchases and I have also purchased, in the open market, common shares and call options to purchase Seanergy stock in the coming quarters. Based on our strong and visible cash flow generation, we expect to be able to continue returning significant capital to our shareholders in the coming quarters.”

“In terms of fleet updates, in 2024 to date, we have agreed to acquire two Capesize vessels which are, on average, younger than our current fleet. In June, we took delivery of the 2013-built M/V Iconship, with the vessel immediately commencing employment on an index linked time-charter with an earliest expiry date in March 2026. Furthermore, we expect to take delivery of a 2012 built Capesize, that will be renamed M/V Kaizenship, within the third quarter. Following these additions, our fleet will consist of 19 Capesize vessels, up from 17 at the start of 2024. We are pleased with the steady growth we are delivering, while also increasing dividend payments and stock repurchases.”

〆ギリシャ船主でケープサイズ船主大手のSeanergy Maritime Holdingは2024年1-6月期に過去最高の純利益を確保した。

ギリシャ船主でケープサイズ主力のSeanergy Maritime Holding(NASDAQ)の2024年1-6月期業績は2024年4-6月期に純利益が1,410 万米ドルに急増し、前年同期の 67 万 8,000 米ドルから増加した。純収入も今年は4,310万米ドルと昨年の2,830万米ドルから急増した。 結果としてSeanergyの2024年1―6月期は2023年の350万㌦の純損失を逆転し、2428万米ドルの純利益を計上し、売上高は8140万米ドルにほぼ倍増した。

「Seanergyは、ケープサイズ船隊を擁する一流のドライバルク・オペレーターとして位置づけるという戦略を成功裏に実行した結果、2024年第2四半期および上半期に記録的な収益性を生み出した。ケープサイズセクターは引き続き他のドライバルク資産クラスよりも堅調に推移し、Seanergyは第2四半期と上半期の両方でケープサイズインデックスを上回るパフォーマンスを示すことが出来た。当社船隊の1日当たりTCEは26,636ドルで、バルチック・ケープサイズ指数の期中平均22,600ドルと比べ、約18%のプレミアムとなった。当 社 の 積 極 的 なヘッジ計 画 が こ の 成 果 の 主 な 原 動 力 と な っ た 」


「船隊の更新に関しては、2024年から現在までに、現在の船隊より平均的に若いケープサイズを2隻取得することに合意した。6月には、2013年建造のM/V Iconshipを引き渡し、本船は直ちに2026年3月を最短期限とする指数連動型定期用船契約に投入する。さらに、2012年建造のケープサイズを第3四半期中に引き渡し、M/V Kaizenshipと改名する予定です。これらの追加により、当社の船隊は2024年初頭の17隻から19隻になる。配当金の支払いや自社株買い戻しを増やす一方で、着実な成長を遂げている」

■Seanergy Maritime Holdings Corp.


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