〆Lloyd’s List Intelligence to Host Seminar on “Lloyd’s List Intelligence Japan Day” in Hiroshima, focusing on the phenomenon of “dark fleets”

On 26th August 2024, Lloyd’s List Intelligence (LLI) will hold a seminar titled “Lloyd’s List Intelligence Japan Day” at the Sheraton Grand Hiroshima Hotel, in Hiroshima. The seminar will focus on the phenomenon of “dark fleets,” vessels that seek to evade sanctions and trade regulations. During the event, LLI will showcase its tracking capabilities, which are crucial in monitoring these clandestine operations.

Cichen Shen, the APAC Editor of Lloyd’s List, and Eric Orsini, LLI’s Global Head of Compliance & Regulatory Affairs, will offer their insights into the legal and reputational risks associated with “dark fleets” from the perspectives of journalists and analysts. The seminar will also include an overview of the trends in the Asian maritime market.

In anticipation of the seminar, Mr. Orsini, who is set to visit Japan for this event, spoke with us about the goals and objectives of this seminar.

(Text by Hiro Yamamoto)
Photo courtesy=Lloyd’s List Intelligence

■What are Dark Fleets?

–What is the purpose and significance of LLI hosting a seminar in Japan on “sanctions compliance” and “vessel tracking” concerning dark fleets?

 “The aim of this seminar is to provide Japan’s key maritime industry stakeholders with practical insights into the regulatory and reputational risks associated with dark fleet vessels, which seek to evade sanctions and trade restrictions. As a leading provider of maritime data and analysis, LLI intends to share its expertise on these critical issues, while also presenting an overarching view of the shipping industry’s outlook in Asia.”

— What message does LLI hope to convey to Japan’s maritime industry regarding sanctions compliance in relation to dark fleets?

 “This seminar will highlight the growing trend of Deceptive Shipping Practices (DSP) employed to evade or circumvent sanctions. We will focus on the worsening of DSP, ranging from disabling AIS to AIS spoofing, the challenges in identifying these behaviors, and the obligations under U.S. sanctions, whether or not there is a direct connection to the U.S. We also aim to discuss the implications of strict liability rules and secondary sanctions.”

■Supporting Japan’s Maritime Industry

–What specific insights can LLI provide?

 “LLI will offer participants concrete facts and data related to dark fleets, with a particular focus on Deceptive Shipping Practices (DSP), such as AIS spoofing and illicit ship-to-ship transfers. We will explain methods to identify these practices and demonstrate the power of effective vessel due diligence through case studies. These case studies will leverage the Lloyd’s List Intelligence Advanced Risk and Compliance platform.”

–How does LLI envision its future relationship with Japan’s maritime industry?

“LLI is a global company with regional offices around the world, including a presence in Japan. Our Japanese office is staffed with experts who can address questions related to maritime sanctions and general shipping concerns. Lloyd’s List reports in real-time on the current sanctions environment, providing up-to-date information on new regulatory measures and enforcement actions. We view our relationship with Japan’s maritime industry as a partnership, and we want to emphasize that we are always ready to offer support.”

〆ロイズリスト・インテリジェンス、広島で「Lloyd’s List Intelligence Japan Day」セミナーを開催、ダーク・フリート現象に焦点を当てる

ロイズリスト・インテリジェンス(LLI)は26日、広島のシェラトングランドホテルで「Lloyd’s List Intelligence Japan Day」を開催する。セミナーでは、経済制裁や貿易規制を回避しようとする船舶「ダーク・フリート」(影の船団)の現象に焦点を当てる。セミナーでは、LLIがこのような隠密作戦を監視するための追跡能力を紹介する予定だ。

ロイズリスト紙のAPACエディター、チチェン・シェン(Cichen Shen)氏と、LLIのグローバルコンプライアンスおよび規制担当責任者のエリック・オルシーニ(Eric Orsini)氏が、ジャーナリスト、アナリストの視点から、ダーク・フリートに関連する法的や評価リスクについての洞察を進める。アジアの海運市場の動向についも概説する。オルシーニ氏に、セミナーの目的や狙いについて聞いた。



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