〆Breaking News: Houthi Group Releases Footage of Delta Tankers’ Suezmax Vessel “Sounion” Explosion

On August 30, 2024, the Houthi group in Yemen released footage showing the attack and explosion of the Suezmax tanker “Sounion” (163,800 DWT), owned by the Greek shipping company Delta Tankers. The vessel, built in 2006 by Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries in South Korea, was targeted by the group. According to a post on X by the Lebanese media outlet War Monitor, the Houthis claimed that the attack was carried out because the vessel had violated their decision to prohibit entry to ports in “occupied Palestine.”

Text by Hiro Yamamoto

Photo courtesy: @War Monitor

Published Footage(公開された映像)→ https://lnkd.in/dGjyE8dP

The footage is shocking.

The video reveals that the attack on the Sounion, which had been reported in fragments up until now, was carried out in stages by the Houthis, ultimately leading to the explosion. Initial reports mentioned that, following the first attack and the evacuation of the crew, the Houthis had planted multiple explosives on the deck of the Sounion. However, the newly released footage shows that the Houthis boarded the burning tanker once again to plant even more bombs. The video captures the moment the second explosion blew off the bridge, with additional blasts occurring at seven or eight different locations on the deck.

Until now, maritime experts have been unable to provide a clear answer as to why tankers owned by the Greek company Delta Tankers have been repeatedly targeted by the Houthis. In this instance, the Houthis have stated that the reason for the attack was the vessel’s violation of their decision to prohibit entry to ports in “occupied Palestine.”

According to VesselsValue, a leading British ship valuation company, Delta Tankers owns a total of 29 tankers, including five VLCCs, 23 Suezmaxes, and one Aframax. The Sounion is a Greek-flagged tanker. The Greek Ministry of Shipping has reported that the Sounion was carrying a crew of two Russians and 23 Filipinos and was en route from Iraq to Agios Theodoros, Greece.

On August 24, 2024, U.S. State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller expressed concerns about the potential spill of one million barrels of crude oil following the Houthi attack on the Suezmax tanker “Sounion.” According to the State Department, “The amount of oil that could be spilled as a result of this explosion would be equivalent to four times the amount spilled during the Exxon Valdez disaster.”

〆Breaking News,

〆フーシ派はデルタ・タンカーズ(Delta Tankers)のスエズマックス型タンカー「ソニオン」(Sounion)の爆破映像を公開した。

イエメンのフーシ派は、2024年8月30日、同組織がギリシャ船主デルタタンカーズ保有のスエズマックス型タンカー「ソニオン」(Sounion、163,800 DWT2006年に韓国の現代三湖重工業(Hyundai Samho Heavy Industriesで建造)を襲撃、爆破した映像を公開した。この映像をXに投稿したレバノンのメディアWar Monitorによると、フーシ派が同船を攻撃した理由について、フーシ派は「占領されたパレスチナの港への入港禁止決定に違反した」と主張している。

(Text by Hiro Yamamoto)

Photo courtesy=@ War Monitor







英船価鑑定大手のVesselsValueによるとDelta TankersはVLCC5隻、スエズマックス23隻、アフラマックス1隻の合計29隻のタンカーを保有している。Sounionはギリシャ船籍のタンカーである。





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