〆Japanese Ship Scrapping: Digital Transformation and Automation as Key Drivers

Sojitz, a Japanese trading company, has invested in a Dutch startup that promises to revolutionize the next generation of shipbreaking technology.

Interest in the ship scrapping industry within Japan is growing. On September 18, 2024, NYK Line, a leading Japanese shipping company, announced that it had reached an agreement with Oono Development, a waste management company based in Matsuyama, to explore joint business opportunities in ship recycling. Additionally, on October 3, 2024, Shimabun Corporation, a major player in the domestic steel scrap industry based in Kobe, revealed its acquisition of all shares in Shinko Syoji, a leading shipbreaking company in Kumamoto Prefecture.

The involvement of prominent shipping companies and steel scrap businesses in the ship scrapping sector marks a significant step forward for Japan’s ship recycling efforts. The future of this industry will hinge on improving efficiency through automation, labor-saving measures, and the adoption of digital transformation (DX) technologies.

Particular attention is being paid to Sojitz, which has invested in a Dutch startup specializing in cutting-edge shipbreaking technology. There is growing anticipation regarding whether Japan will adopt European ship scrapping methods to enhance its own industry.

(Text by Hiro Yamamoto) 

Photo courtesy of NYK Line, Oono Development, Sojitz, CMT, Jansen, Shimabun Corporation, Shinko Syoji

■Price Disparities Pose Challenges for Japan’s Ship Scrapping Industry

In August 2024, Sojitz announced a strategic partnership with Circular Maritime Technologies International (CMT), a Dutch startup developing next-generation ship dismantling technologies, and Jansen Recycling Group, a scrap metal recycling company. This three-way collaboration aims to automate, streamline, and accelerate ship dismantling processes. Sojitz is financially backing pilot projects for technology verification, with the three companies securing dismantling yards that meet stringent European environmental regulations. Their goal is to efficiently recover high-quality steel scrap, contributing to the steel industry’s transition towards low-carbon steel production via large electric furnaces.

Although Japan is one of the world’s leading ship-owning nations, significant hurdles remain for scaling up ship scrapping domestically. Key challenges include securing dismantling yards, labor, and managing costs. As of 2022, Japan’s merchant fleet, composed of vessels 2,000 gross tons or more, ranked third globally, with 2,196 ships, behind Greece and China.

Currently, most ships owned by Japanese shipping companies and shipowners are sold as operational secondhand vessels, or “live vessels,” to third parties, with many ending up dismantled in India or Bangladesh. These live vessels often sell for billions of yen, far exceeding their scrap value. In contrast, ships sold specifically for scrapping are priced based on their scrap value.

In India and Bangladesh, vessels that are no longer operable are sold for scrap. However, for Japan to secure vessels for domestic scrapping, it would need to purchase ships at prices comparable to those in India or Bangladesh. This presents a significant challenge, as higher labor and yard costs in Japan make it difficult to compete at those prices. A scrap industry insider noted, “At the same price as India or Bangladesh, it would be unprofitable for Japan.”

■Benefits of Automation

The Dutch startup, in which Sojitz has invested, has released a video showcasing a fully automated shipbreaking process, where ships are cut by machines with minimal human involvement. The video highlights how steel plates are processed almost entirely by automation.

The steel industry is working towards achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, with a significant shift planned for the 2030s. The industry aims to transition from traditional blast furnaces, which reduce iron ore with coal, to electric furnaces that use scrap metal as the primary raw material. This shift is expected to reduce CO2 emissions to about one-quarter of current levels. In this transition, the quality of steel scrap becomes crucial, as it directly affects the quality of the steel produced. Therefore, there is a growing need to secure a stable supply of high-quality steel scrap with minimal impurities, which can be obtained from the dismantling of ships made from premium-grade steel.

The technology developed by Circular Maritime Technologies International (CMT) is seen as a promising solution to address two major societal challenges: shipbreaking and the decarbonization of the steel industry. Supported by EU grants, CMT is advancing the development of technologies that can efficiently recover high-quality scrap that meets strict European environmental regulations, with low levels of impurities. The company aims to further develop automation, increase processing speed, and reduce human labor, ultimately creating a safe, sustainable, and competitive ship dismantling industry.

In Japan, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism has requested ¥30 million in new funding for the 2025 budget to promote the “advancement of the ship recycling business.” While the current budget request is modest, it is expected to increase significantly as more specific projects and business operators are selected.

■Overview of CMT 

– Circular Maritime Technologies International B.V. 

– Founded: 2022 

– Location: Kamerlingh Onnesweg 10c, 2991 XL Barendrecht, The Netherlands 

– CEO: Frank G. Geerdink 

– Core Business: Ship repair, maintenance, technical design, and consulting

■Overview of Jansen

– Jansen Recycling Group

– Founded: 2014 

– Location: Koggehaven 3, 3133 LA Vlaardingen, The Netherlands 

– CEO: Klaas Jansen 

– Core Business: Recycling of ferrous and non-ferrous metals 




海運大手では日本郵船が2024年9月18日、産業廃棄物処理などを手掛けるオオノ開發(Oono Development、松山市)と船舶リサイクルの事業化に向けた共同検討で合意したと発表。鉄スクラップ国内大手のシマブンコーポレーション(Shimabun Corporation、神戸市)は2024年10月3日、船舶解体大手の新鋼商事(Shinko Syoji、熊本県)の全株式を取得したと発表した。 


(Text by Hiro Yamamoto)

Photo courtesy= Sojitz、CMT、Jansen、Shimabun Corporation


双日は2024年8月、オランダで次世代の船舶解体技術を開発するスタートアップ企業であるサーキュラー・マリタイム・テクノロジーズ・インターナショナル(Circular Maritime Technologies International、CMT)と、鉄・非鉄金属のリサイクル事業者のヤンセン・リサイクル・グループ(Jansen Recycling Group)との3社間で、船舶解体の自動化・省人化・高速化に向けた新技術の共同開発に関する戦略的パートナー契約を締結したと発表した。














– Circular Maritime Technologies International B.V. 

– 設立:2022年 

– 所在地:Kamerlingh Onnesweg 10c 2991 XL Barendrecht, The Netherlands 

– 代表者:Frank G. Geerdink 

– 主な事業内容:船舶の修繕・保守、技術設計およびコンサルティング


– Jansen Recycling Group 

– 設立:2014年 

– 所在地:Koggehaven 3 3133 LA Vlaardingen, The Netherlands 

– 代表者:Klaas Jansen 

– 主な事業内容:鉄・非鉄金属のリサイクル事業


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