On the evening of November 7, 2024, TMI Associates held a “Shipping Practice Group 10th Anniversary Reception” at the Roppongi Hills Club in Minato Ward, Tokyo. Jumpei Osada, Partner and maritime counselor leading the firm’s maritime team opened the event with a speech: “For us as lawyers, the energy comes from being entrusted by our clients with difficult situations and important cases.” A gathering of 272 participants, including 247 operators, shipowners, trading company representatives, and legal professionals from both domestic and international spheres, as well as 25 TMI lawyers, celebrated this milestone of the Shipping Practice Group.
(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)
Photo courtesy of TMI Associates, Hirofumi Yamamoto

The event was moderated by attorney Chiaki Kawachimaru, with partner attorney Jumpei Osada delivering the opening remarks. Osada expressed his gratitude for the growth the maritime team has experienced over the past decade since starting as a small team in 2014, supported heavily by industry.
The maritime team was founded in 2014 by Osada, who had just completed his training in London, and attorney Masaaki Sasaki, who had recently finished his master’s degree. Although initially small, the team earned trust by responding to requests from the shipping industry. Notably, during the 2014 collapse of OW Bunker, the team was entrusted by a major operator to handle the situation, marking its first large-scale case.
In 2015, the team handled its first ship finance case for Hinode Shipping (headquartered in Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture), and client requests continued to increase. The team’s recognition within TMI also grew, leading to Osada’s promotion to partner in 2016. During a period of uncertainty for the shipping industry, the team accumulated practical experience by handling multiple dispute cases.
The maritime team continued to grow, and in 2017, it began providing on-site support to the Nippon Yusen Group, offering junior attorneys valuable on-the-ground learning experiences.

After Sasaki was promoted to partner in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic struck, but the team maintained its operations. In 2023, a new solicitor joined, followed by several new members in 2024. The team now aims for further growth, expanding geographically and increasing its capabilities.
Osada said, “I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has supported us over the past ten years. Although our team is still a work in progress, we will continue striving to contribute to the industry and earn its trust.”
The reception also served as an opportunity for industry stakeholders to strengthen their connections, fostering high hopes for the continued success of the maritime team.
■ Speech by Yutaka Higurashi, Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer, and Chief Compliance Officer of Nippon Yusen

“I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations on the 10th anniversary of TMI Associates’ maritime team. Thank you very much for inviting me to this commemorative event. Our own legal department has undergone significant transformation over the past ten years. Since taking office as Head of the Legal Group in 2014, I aimed to integrate the legal functions that were previously divided across different departments, establishing seven key functions such as contract and compliance. I am deeply grateful for the support of many lawyers, including TMI Associates’ maritime team, which made this possible.”
“Many young lawyers have also contributed to our operations in addressing global challenges and strengthening our domestic and international legal frameworks, growing alongside us in the process. I hope that this experience will provide a well-balanced foundation for their future careers. Once again, congratulations to the maritime team on its 10th anniversary. I sincerely wish TMI Associates continued success and growth.”
■ Remarks from Tomomi Kihara, Representative Director of Centi Partners and part-time lecturer at Waseda University’s Graduate School of Law

“Congratulations to TMI Associates’ maritime team on its 10th anniversary. I am both impressed and deeply respectful of the team’s growth to over 20 members. My association with TMI Associates began 15 and a half years ago at the request of a professor at Waseda University. Since then, I have been involved in maritime finance law research, learning alongside outstanding individuals. I wholeheartedly wish for TMI Associates’ continued development and prosperity.”
■ Numerous maritime professionals from abroad were also present.

Notable attendees included Mike Adamson, Partner at Reed Smith, and Ms. Kirsty MacHardy, Partner and Sector Head of Transportation and Trade at Stephenson Harwood LLP. Attorney Osada remarked in his speech, “Over the past ten years, we have established a network that allows us to connect at any time with around 150 maritime lawyers globally who are well-versed in maritime law.” As he mentioned, international maritime lawyers were reconnecting with TMI’s maritime team at this 10th-anniversary celebration.
Personally, I was delighted to reunite with Tomomi Kihara. Nearly 20 years ago, when I was still gathering knowledge on ship finance, Kihara, who had moved from the Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan to Shinsei Bank and later handled ship finance in an accounting firm’s shipping division, provided me with valuable guidance. Kihara has also contributed many insightful articles to the Japan Maritime Daily, showcasing his talent for writing. During the toast, Kihara demonstrated his vibrant presence, proving that he is still very much active.

■ Webinar with Attorney Osada
Attorney Osada and I co-hosted a webinar organized by Japan Maritime Daily, focusing on issues like time charter contracts and BBC contracts for Japanese shipowners, including discussions on rate reduction negotiations in 2019-2020. Sharing this platform with an active maritime attorney was a valuable experience for me.
〆TMI総合法律事務所(TMI Associates)の海事チーム(Shipping Team)発足から10周年の記念イベントを開催した。当日は272人が出席した。
TMI総合法律事務所は2024年11月7日夕、東京都港区の六本木ヒルズクラブで「海事プラクティスグループ(Shipping Practice Group)10周年記念レセプション」を開催した。冒頭、同事務所パートナーで海事チームを率いる長田旬平(Jumpei Osada)パートナー(弁護士、海事補佐人, maritime counselor)が次のように挨拶した。「われわれ弁護士は、皆様にとっての難しい局面、重要な案件でわれわれを信頼して取り立てていただくこと、それこそが活力になる」。国内外のオペレーターや船主、商社、法務関係者ら247人、TMI弁護士25人の合計272人が集まり、海事プラクティスグループの節目を祝った。
(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)
Photo courtesy=TMI Associates, Hirofumi Yamamoto

司会進行を務めたのは川内丸千明(Chiaki Kawachimaru)弁護士で、冒頭の挨拶ではパートナー弁護士の長田旬平(Jumpei Osada)氏が登壇。長田弁護士は、海事チームが2014年に小さなチームとしてスタートしたこと、そして業界からの厚いサポートによって成長してきた10年間に対する感謝の意を表した。
海事チームは2014年、ロンドンでの研修を終えた長田氏と、修士課程を修了した佐々木政明(Masaaki Sasaki)弁護士が中心となって発足。当初は少人数ながらも、海運業界からの依頼に応えることで信頼を築いてきた。特に、2014年に発生したOWバンカー社の破綻に際して、大手オペレーターから依頼を受け、チームが一丸となって対応したことが、初の大規模案件としての大きな経験となったとしている。
2015年には、日之出海運(Hinode shipping、本社・福岡県福岡市)で初の船舶ファイナンス案件も手がけ、依頼数も増加する。TMI内での認知度も向上し、2016年には長田弁護士がパートナーに昇格。海運業界全体が不透明な時期には、複数の紛争案件に関わることで、弁護士としての実務経験を積み重ねてきた。


■日本郵船の日暮豊(Yutaka Higurashi)取締役専務執行役員(Director,
Senior Managing Executive Officer)チーフコンプライアンスオフィサーの挨拶。

■木原知己(Tomomi Kihara)氏、センチパートナーズ(Centi partners)代表取締役、早稲田大学大学院法学研究科非常勤講師
Reed SmithのPartner, Mike AdamsonやStephenson Harwood LLPからPartner at Stephenson Harwood and Sector Head of Transportation and TradeのMs. Kirsty MacHardyをはじめ多くの関係者が出席した。
木原さんはJapan Maritime Dailyにも数々の寄稿をしていただき、名文家でもある。木原さんは当日、乾杯の挨拶で元気な姿を示し、まだまだ現役であることを我々に示した。

長田弁護士とはJapan Maritime Daily主催のウェビナーで一緒に登場させていただいた。日本船主の定期用船契約、BBC契約などについて、2019年から20年の用船料の減額交渉などを中心にウェビナーを行った。私にとって現役の海事弁護士とウェビナーで共演できるなど、貴重な場となった。