〆MOL President Hashimoto Highlights Energy Division’s “¥100 Billion Profit” for This Fiscal Year. Greeting at Media Reception, Featuring Osaka-Kansai Expo Mascot “Myakumyaku”

On November 22, 2024, at 6:30 PM JST, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL) hosted a media reception at The Peninsula Tokyo’s 3rd-floor Grand Ballroom (Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo). During his opening address, MOL President & CEO Takeshi Hashimoto highlighted significant achievements of the company’s energy division, announcing, “This fiscal year, we anticipate profits of around ¥100 billion from the energy division. This accomplishment reflects years of effort coming to fruition, and we aim to leverage this success for our next challenges.” 

(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)

Photo courtesy=Hirofumi Yamamoto

Chairman of the Board Junichiro Ikeda also delivered a toast, introducing “Myakumyaku,” the official mascot of the 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo, where MOL will showcase its “Wind Hunter” project. He explained, “Myakumyaku symbolizes life, inspired by cells and water. Its name reflects the continuity of life flowing through generations.” He emphasized the profound meaning behind the Expo’s theme. 

■Reflecting on Business Performance and Initiatives 

President Hashimoto opened the event by reporting on MOL’s fiscal year 2024 performance and business progress. Despite ongoing economic uncertainties, the company achieved solid results, particularly in the container business. Hashimoto remarked, “Although forecasting remains challenging, there are promising signs this fiscal year.” Regarding the mid-to-long-term “BLUE ACTION 2035” investment plan, he mentioned accomplishments in asset accumulation and mergers and acquisitions, expressing confidence in its progress. 

Hashimoto further praised the energy division’s remarkable achievements, anticipating ¥100 billion in profits for the fiscal year. He stated, “We consider this a milestone to fuel our next endeavors,” while announcing plans to repurchase company shares for the first time in approximately 20 years, a move intended to strengthen shareholder returns. “Enhancing shareholder value is essential for sustained growth,” he added, showcasing MOL’s robust financial foundation. 

■Entering the Cruise Market 

MOL’s new venture into the cruise market is set to launch in December with the “Mitsui Ocean Fuji,” a cruise ship that recently completed refurbishment in Yokohama. An unveiling event will take place on December 7, 2024, in Tokyo, followed by a party for stakeholders. President Hashimoto described this as “an opportunity to showcase MOL’s new appeal.” 

■Contributions to Society and Sports 

During the reception, MOL highlighted its support for wheelchair rugby athlete Kae Kurahashi, a Paralympic gold medalist who has also received a government decoration. President Hashimoto called her achievements “a source of great pride for us in an industry often seen as unassuming,” expressing gratitude for the team’s dedicated support. 

■Recognition for ESG and SDG Initiatives 

MOL’s ESG and SDG efforts were also spotlighted, as the company earned top “S” ratings across all categories—Environment, Social, Governance, and Strategic Management—in the Nikkei SDG Management Survey. Hashimoto particularly acknowledged the “S+” rating for Strategic Management, stating, “This recognition reflects our efforts, but we aim to reach even higher standards.” 

■Looking Ahead to the Osaka-Kansai Expo 

Chairman Ikeda explained MOL’s plans for the 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo, emphasizing the event’s role as “a platform to envision and create the future.” He stressed the societal importance of the Expo, stating, “Building a sustainable society requires collective efforts across industries, and MOL is committed to playing its part.” 

A surprise gift of Expo admission tickets for all participants added excitement to the event. With humor, Ikeda urged attendees to purchase additional tickets for friends and family, saying, “We hope you’ll visit our exhibit and witness its innovative potential firsthand.” 

Ikeda also elaborated on the significance of “Myakumyaku,” describing it as “a symbol of life that resonates with MOL’s theme of nurturing future technologies.” He added, “Our projects embody the spirit of tackling environmental and energy challenges, a message we hope to convey to Expo visitors.” 

In closing, Ikeda expressed MOL’s commitment to making the Expo a milestone event, stating, “Through our exhibit, we aim to step into a new stage and share our vision of the future with as many people as




 商船三井は2024年11月22日(JST)午後6時30分からザ・ペニンシュラ東京3階 (MAP) ザ・グランドボールルーム(東京都千代田区有楽町)でメディア懇親会を開催した。冒頭、挨拶に立った橋本剛社長(Takeshi Hashimoto President & CEO)は同社のエネルギー部門が特筆すべき成果を上げていることにも触れ、「今期、エネルギー部門は1000億円規模の利益を見込んでおり、これまでの長年の努力が実を結んだ。これを一つの成果として次の挑戦につなげていきたい」と意欲を示した。乾杯の挨拶にたった池田潤一郎・取締役会長(Junichiro Ikeda, Director, Chairman of the Board)は商船三井も「ウインドハンター」を出展する2025 大阪・関西万博公式キャラクター『ミャクミャク』を紹介。「ミャクミャクは細胞と水をモチーフにしたもので、命を表しています。名前の由来も、命が脈々と続くイメージから来ているそうです」と説明し、万博のテーマに込められた深い意味を共有した。

(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)

Photo courtesy=Hirofumi Yamamoto

 当日は商船三井グループ 役職員 約60人が参加した。メディア関係者も専門紙、海外通信社、一般紙、テレビ局を含め多数が参加した。


冒頭、橋本社長が登壇し、2024年度の業績や事業の進捗状況について報告した。同社は、不透明な経済情勢が続く中でも堅調な成果を上げており、特にコンテナ事業については「依然として予測が難しいが、今期は好調な方向に触れており、明るい兆しが見えている」と述べた。中長期的な投資計画である「BLUE ACTION 2035」についても、資産の積み上げやM&Aの達成を挙げ、「手応えを感じている」と力強く語った。



新たな取り組みとして注目されているのが、12月に運航を開始するクルーズ船「三井オーシャンフジ」(Mitsui Ocean Fuji)である。この船は横浜での修繕を終え、2024年12月7日に東京でお披露目イベントが行われる予定であり、関係者を招いたパーティーが計画されている。同社にとってクルーズ市場への参入は新たな挑戦であり、社長は「この取り組みを通じて、商船三井の新しい魅力を発信していきたい」と語った。


懇親会では、同社が支援する車椅子ラグビー選手の倉橋香衣(Kae Kurahashi)氏についての報告も行われた。倉橋氏はパラリンピックで金メダルを獲得し、政府から勲章を受けるなど大きな功績を残している。同社の支援を受けての活躍に対し、社長は「地味な業界と見られがちな我々にとって、非常に誇らしい出来事」と述べ、選手だけでなく社内での献身的なサポート体制にも感謝の意を表明した。





乾杯の挨拶には商船三井の取締役会長、池田純一郎(Junichiro Ikeda, Director, Chairman of the Board)氏が立ち2025 大阪・関西万博に出展することを説明した。







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