〆Santoku Senpaku Joins ORIX Corporation: Discussing Business Succession and Growth Strategies 

A little while ago, on October 31, 2024, I visited the head office of Santoku Senpaku in Osaka’s Minato Ward with a colleague. Santoku Senpaku is a company built single-handedly by its former president, Masashi Taga. In April 2023, Masashi Taga passed away at the age of 80. During his tenure, I had the opportunity to visit the company four times for interviews. 

Taga often shared with me stories of his early days establishing Santoku Senpaku, when he worked part-time as a building cleaner to sustain the business. He eventually managed to acquire a domestic vessel, expand into ship management, and finally venture into international shipping. Listening to his stories of hardship, I often found myself at a loss for words to adequately describe the challenges he overcame. 

(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto) 

Photo courtesy of Hirofumi Yamamoto

This time, I interviewed Junichi Taga, who succeeded Masashi Taga as President and Representative Director, along with Executive Directors Tsutsui and Ito. 

In February 2024, Santoku Senpaku became a part of ORIX Corporation, a leading financial services company headquartered in Tokyo. ORIX acquired all of Santoku Senpaku’s shares, inheriting its fleet of approximately 70 vessels and its ship management business. Tsutsui and Ito, both Executive Directors seconded from ORIX, are collaborating with Junichi Taga to further grow Santoku Senpaku by promoting ship ownership and management. 

Currently, Santoku Senpaku owns approximately 70 vessels, including those under newbuilding contracts. Bulk carriers account for about 80% of the fleet, with the remainder comprising car carriers, refrigerated vessels, and domestic car carriers. 

The company has nine vessels on its newbuilding orderbook: three Kamsarmax bulk carriers, including methanol dual-fuel vessels, and six LNG dual-fuel car carriers being built at Chinese shipyards. 

Santoku Senpaku also engages in ship management, the company’s founding business. In addition to managing all its owned vessels, it provides management and manning services for about 30 ships owned by third-party Japanese shipowners. Including its own vessels, the company manages a fleet of approximately 100 ships. Santoku Senpaku employs many Japanese marine engineers who are proficient in English, enabling smooth communication with overseas charterers and shipyards. 

The company has long-standing relationships with manning agencies in the Philippines, China, Bangladesh, South Korea, and Myanmar. As the industry shifts toward new fuels, securing seafarers capable of operating new-generation vessels will become increasingly important, further strengthening ties with these agencies. 

The full interview article on Santoku Senpaku can be read on the Japan Maritime Daily’s website at the following link: https://www.jmd.co.jp/article.php?no=300808

〆三徳船舶(Santoku Senpaku)―オリックス(ORIX Corporation)、事業承継と成長戦略について聞く。

少し前の話になるが、2024年10月31日、私は同僚記者とともに大阪市港区にある三徳船舶本社ビルを訪問した。三徳船舶は前社長の多賀征志(Masashi Taga)氏が一代で築いた会社である。2023年4月、多賀征志(Masashi Taga)氏が80歳で亡くなった。多賀征志(Masashi Taga)氏が社長だった頃、私は同社を4回訪れインタビュー取材した。多賀征志(Masashi Taga)氏が折に触れ私に話してくれたのは、三徳船舶を設立した当時、ビルの清掃を掛け持ちして仕事をして、ようやく内航船を保有、その後、船舶管理を手掛け、外航海運へ進出するまでの話だった。その多賀征志(Masashi Taga)氏の苦労話は聞いている私にとっても、筆舌に尽くしがたいものであった。

(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)

Photo courtesy=Hirofumi Yamamoto

今回、私は多賀征志(Masashi Taga)氏の後継者として代表取締役に就任した多賀純一(Junichi Taga)、筒井(Tsutsui)代表取締役専務、伊藤(Ito)代表取締役専務にインタビューすることであった。

三徳船舶は2024年2月、金融サービス大手オリックス(ORIX Corporation、本社・東京都)に加わった。オリックスが三徳船舶の全株式を取得し、保有船隊約70隻や船舶管理事業を承継したのだ。筒井宏次(Koji  Tsutsui)代表取締役専務、伊藤良恭(Ryosuke Ito)代表取締役専務は両社ともオリックスから三徳船舶に出向し多賀純一(Junichi Taga)とともに新生・三徳船舶をさらに成長するべく、船主業、船舶保有業を推進している。





新生・三徳船舶のインタビュー記事の全文は日本海事新聞(Japan Maritime Daily)の以下のリンクから読むことができる。



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