On December 27, 2024, Finnish police and the Finnish Border Guard announced the initiation of a tactical operation regarding the incident of multiple cable damages in the Baltic Sea on December 25. The Helsinki Police Department is overseeing a multi-agency operation, which is being conducted around the clock. Currently, the LR (Large Range I type) tanker “Eagle S,” registered in the Cook Islands, is suspected of involvement in the incident, and it is reported to be carrying fuel as cargo. The vessel is located southeast of Cape Porvoo and is under the control of Finnish authorities.
While the “Eagle S” has been described as a cargo ship in several reports, according to the UK-based vessel valuation company VesselsValue, it is a 74,000-ton LRⅠ tanker. The vessel was built in 2006 by China’s New Century, and it is owned by India’s Peninsular Maritime. Its IMO number is 9329760.
(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)
Photo courtesy of Finnish Border Guard, VesselsValue
The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) is handling the criminal investigation into the damaged seabed cables, with the alleged crime being “severe property damage.”
Police and Border Guard Tactical Units Secure Investigation on Ship
According to Helsinki police, the objective of the investigation is to determine whether the cargo ship “Eagle S” was involved in the cable damage incident in the Gulf of Finland on December 25. The area is currently being monitored by the Finnish Navy’s Rauma-class missile boats and the Border Guard’s patrol vessel “Visco.”
Crime investigations on board the vessel are being protected by the police’s rapid response unit “Kalf” and the Border Guard’s tactical team. Finnish Defence Forces and Border Guard helicopters are transporting personnel between the vessels involved in the operation.
Sami Paila, Chief Detective and tactical leader of the Finnish police, stated: “The investigation on board involves the collection of evidence, which is already being analysed. Crew interviews are also a key focus of the investigation. While a rapid response is essential at the start of the criminal investigation, the process will ultimately be time-consuming.”
Customs Seize Fuel Cargo on Board
The Finnish Border Guard is assisting the police with underwater investigations. On December 27, the patrol vessel “Turva” headed to the site of the Estlink 2 cable damage to conduct an underwater survey. Investigators from the National Bureau of Investigation are also aboard the “Turva” to participate in the on-site investigation.
Mikko Hirvi, Deputy Commander of the Finnish Gulf Coast Guard, commented: “The Border Guard is providing the necessary equipment and personnel suited for maritime operations, supporting the police. Given the current situation, we are capable of conducting extensive operations in the Gulf of Finland.”
In addition to the police’s criminal investigation, customs authorities are conducting a preliminary investigation into “serious regulatory violations” related to the cargo and are examining the details of the shipment.
Hannu Sinkkonen, Director of the Customs Department, explained: “Customs have seized the fuel cargo on board the vessel and are continuing the preliminary investigation regarding the possibility of serious regulatory violations.”
〆フィンランド湾ケーブル破損、当局がLRⅠ型タンカー「Eagle S」の捜査開始へ
フィンランド警察とフィンランド国境警備隊は2024年12月27日、25日にバルト海で複数のケーブルが破損した事件について、当局による戦術作戦が開始されたと発表した。ヘルシンキ警察署が24時間体制で行われている多機関作戦を指揮している。現在、クック諸島籍のLR(ラージレンジⅠ型)タンカー「Eagle S」が事件への関与を疑われており、燃料を貨物として積載しているとされている。この船舶はポルッカラ岬の南東に位置し、フィンランド当局の管理下に置かれている。
捜査対象となっている「Eagle S」は複数の報道で貨物船とされているが、英船価鑑定会社VesselsValueによると7万4000重量トン型のLRⅠ型タンカーである。船籍国はクック諸島で、中国のNew Centuryによって2006年に竣工。船主はインドのPeninsular Maritimeとされる。IMOナンバーは9329760。
(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)
Photo courtesy= Finnish Border Guard、VesselsValue
ヘルシンキ警察によると、今回の犯罪捜査の目的は、12月25日にフィンランド湾で発生したケーブル破損に貨物船「Eagle S」が関与しているかどうかを調べることにあるという。このエリアでは、フィンランド国防軍のラウマ級ミサイル艇と国境警備隊の哨戒船「ウイスコ」が活動している。