〆Fire Breaks Out at Canada’s Westshore Terminal in Roberts Bank

A fire broke out at the Westshore Coal Export Terminal, located in Delta on Canada’s west coast, on December 28, 2024. The terminal, which is the largest coal export hub in Canada, handles an annual export of 36 million tonnes of coal. Currently, operations at the terminal have been halted, and there is no clear timeline for recovery. This may potentially affect coal transportation in the Pacific waters.

(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)
Photo courtesy: British Columbia

According to Canadian fire authorities, the Westshore Terminal is equipped with 94 ground-mounted sprinklers and 28 water towers, with the fire being brought under control by December 30.

The Westshore Coal Port Terminal is one of North America’s largest coal export facilities, playing a significant role in exporting Canadian coal, particularly to the Asian market. It is crucial in the transportation of goods, including coal, containers, and liquefied natural gas (LNG).

Roberts Bank, located in British Columbia, Canada, is an important freight port along the southern edge of the Vancouver area, near the Strait of Georgia. According to industry sources, the terminal is a key export point for metallurgical and thermal coal. Established in the mid-1970s, the facility is now operated by Westshore Terminals and has undergone several upgrades to improve its capacity and efficiency.

The terminal handles approximately 33 million tonnes of coal annually, with the majority being exported to international markets, particularly in Asia. As a key pillar of Canada’s economy, the terminal plays a significant role in generating export revenues and creating jobs. The suspension of operations could potentially have a negative impact on export revenues and employment.

For the dry bulk shipping market in the Pacific, there are concerns that reduced demand for Cape Size and Panamax vessels may result from the closure. Given that Roberts Bank is one of North America’s leading coal export bases, prolonged operational suspension could lead to a shift in procurement routes by shippers, potentially favouring Australian coal.


カナダの西岸デルタにあるウェストショア・コール・エクスポート・ターミナル(Westshore Coal Export Terminal)で2024年12月28日、火災が発生した。同ターミナルは、年間3600万トンの石炭を出荷するカナダ最大の石炭輸出基地である。現在、同ターミナルは操業を停止しており、今後の復旧の目途は立っておらず、太平洋水域の石炭輸送に影響が出る可能性がある。

(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)

Photo courtesy=British Columbia







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