〆Nippon Steel and US Steel Challenge President Biden’s Acquisition Ban, Hinting at Legal Action
Nippon Steel Corporation and United States Steel Corporation (US Steel) issued a joint statement on January 3, 2025, in response to President Biden’s recent order banning the acquisition of US Steel. It is highly unusual for Nippon Steel to openly challenge a decision made by the US government. While Nippon Steel has previously shared blast furnace technology with China’s Baosteel, this was part of technical exchanges between Japan and China, and the company has supplied high-quality steel sheets and plates to major Japanese manufacturers such as Toyota Motor and Imabari Shipbuilding, demonstrating its firm identity as a purely Japanese corporation. Nippon Steel emphasized that it is not a Chinese company.
(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)
Photo courtesy= Nippon Steel. US Steel
Below is the statement released by Nippon Steel on January 3, 2025, regarding the acquisition of US Steel.

■Statement on the Acquisition of US Steel
Nippon Steel and US Steel are disappointed by President Biden’s decision to issue a ban on the acquisition of US Steel. This decision is politically motivated and clearly violates the US Constitution’s due process requirements, as well as regulations governing the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS). The President’s statement and ban fail to provide any credible evidence related to national security concerns, indicating that the decision is politically driven. In response to the President’s order, Nippon Steel and US Steel are committed to pursuing all legal measures to protect their rights.
Both companies are confident that the acquisition would revitalize steel-producing regions in the United States, such as Pennsylvania and Indiana, ensure the protection of jobs for American steelworkers, strengthen the US steel supply chain, enhance competitiveness against China, and contribute to US national security.
Nippon Steel is the only partner capable of making the necessary investments to support and grow US Steel, a symbol of American industry, to benefit both local communities and the broader US steel sector.
As part of its $2.7 billion investment commitment, Nippon Steel has decided to invest at least $1 billion in the Mon Valley Works in Pennsylvania and approximately $300 million in the Gary Works in Indiana.
The ban on the acquisition means that the required $2.7 billion investment to sustain US Steel’s facilities in the long term will not be implemented, putting thousands of union workers’ jobs at risk, with many families dependent on fair working conditions.
Nippon Steel believes that President Biden’s order is sacrificing the future of US steelworkers for political purposes. The companies remain committed to fulfilling their promise to US Steel’s shareholders to pay $55 per share upon completion of the acquisition. To protect their legal rights, both companies will pursue all necessary legal actions.
Throughout the CFIUS review process, Nippon Steel and US Steel have consistently engaged in sincere and transparent discussions. Records submitted to CFIUS make it clear that this acquisition, with Nippon Steel’s commitment, would not weaken US national security, but rather strengthen it.
It is evident that the CFIUS review process has been severely compromised by politics, with its conclusion pre-determined to serve the Biden administration’s political agenda, rather than being based on a substantive investigation. The refusal of the US government to approve an acquisition that would stimulate competition and benefit American interests, and its treatment of Japan, a key ally, is shocking and deeply concerning. This decision sends a strong message discouraging any companies based in allied countries from considering large investments in the US.

In response to concerns raised by CFIUS, Nippon Steel has voluntarily committed to a range of remedial measures, including ensuring that the majority of US Steel’s board of directors will be US nationals, with three independent directors approved by CFIUS. Key positions such as CEO and CFO will be occupied by US nationals, and Nippon Steel will have no involvement in any trade measures initiated by US Steel. The company also guarantees that production and employment will not be shifted outside the US, that the production capacity at US Steel’s facilities in Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Alabama, Indiana, and Texas will not be reduced for 10 years without CFIUS approval, and that regular reports on compliance with the National Security Agreement will be submitted to CFIUS.
However, CFIUS has failed to provide any written feedback on the four robust national security mitigation proposals submitted by the companies over the course of 100 days, clearly demonstrating that it did not properly consider any of the proposed measures. Nippon Steel and US Steel are deeply disappointed by President Biden’s decision.
Both companies express their gratitude to the employees, local communities, government officials, politicians, and business leaders in the US and Japan for their overwhelming support and cooperation in the acquisition process.
Nippon Steel and US Steel will not abandon their commitment to conducting business in the US for the benefit of American stakeholders. They firmly believe that their partnership is the best way for US Steel, especially its facilities covered by the US steelworkers’ collective bargaining agreement, to remain competitive and continue growing in the future.
To secure this future, Nippon Steel and US Steel will continue to work closely with stakeholders, including US and Japanese government officials, and pursue all necessary measures to protect their legal rights.
日本製鉄株式会社(日本製鉄)とUnited States Steel Corporation(USスチール)は、2025年1月3日、バイデン大統領が発表したUSスチール買収禁止命令に対し、共同声明を発表した。日本製鉄が米国政府の決定に公然と反論するのは異例のことである。日本製鉄は過去に中国の宝山鋼鉄に高炉生産の技術を提供したことがあるが、これは日中間の技術交流の一環に過ぎない。同社はトヨタ自動車や今治造船など日本の主要製造業者に高級鋼板や厚板を供給しており、純粋な日本企業であることは明白である。日本製鉄は中国系企業ではないと強調した。
日本製鉄は、CFIUSの示した懸念に対応すべく、本買収完了後のUSスチールの取締役の過半数は米国籍とし、そのうち3名の独立取締役はCIFUSが承認すること、CEOやCFO等の重要職位は米国籍とすること、USスチールが提起する通商措置に日本製鉄は一切関与しないこと、生産や雇用を米国外へ移転しないこと、ペンシルベニア州、アーカンソー州、アラバマ州、インディアナ州、テキサス州にあるUSスチールの拠点の生産能力をCFIUSの承認なく10年間削減しないこと、国家安全保障協定(National Security Agreement)の遵守状況等をCFIUSに定期的に報告すること、CFIUSは取締役会にオブザーバーを派遣する権利を有すること等を含む、米国政府にとって完全に強制執行が可能な様々な問題解消措置を自主的に約束しました。
しかしながら、CFIUS は、日本製鉄とUS スチールが100 日間にも亘って、自主的に提示した4 つの確固たる国家安全保障協定案に対して、書面によるフィードバックを全く行わなかったことから明らかであるように、両社が提案した問題解消措置のいずれについても適切に検討することはありませんでした。本日、バイデン大統領が決定を下したことに、日本製鉄とUSスチールは、深く失望しています。