Yukikazu Myochin, President of Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (K Line), has reiterated the company’s management philosophy of “being restrained in times of prosperity and strategic in adversity” in his New Year address. Amid the volatile shipping market, K Line aims to focus on long-term investments and sustainable growth while maintaining a proactive stance on shareholder returns.
Environmental regulations remain a pressing challenge for the maritime industry. The European Union’s Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) officially came into effect in January 2024, and the FuelEU Maritime regulation is set to be enforced this year. Furthermore, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) continues to discuss stricter regulations to accelerate the transition from fossil-fuel-dependent vessels to zero-emission ships. Addressing these developments, Myochin stated, “We will steadfastly pursue environmental initiatives from a medium- to long-term perspective, without being swayed by short-term policy changes.”
(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)
Photo courtesy=K Line
K Line is at the halfway point of its five-year medium-term management plan, launched in the fiscal year 2022. The company has set a target of JPY 160 billion in recurring profit for the plan’s final fiscal year, 2026, while raising its full-year forecast for the fiscal year 2023 to JPY 240 billion. Operating cash flow projections have also been revised upward from JPY 1 trillion to JPY 1.5 trillion, reflecting the company’s commitment to enhancing corporate value through strategic investments. Consequently, the planned investment amount for the same period has been increased from JPY 520 billion to JPY 740 billion.
In addition to strengthening its own operations, K Line has bolstered the resilience of its container shipping business. As a result, the company has exceeded performance targets in key areas. It has also made significant progress in introducing environmentally friendly vessels for automobile and steel raw material transport, expanding LNG carrier fleets based on long-term contracts, and forming a capital alliance with Kamigumi for its logistics business.
One notable initiative is the liquefied CO2 transportation project with Northern Lights. This groundbreaking project, the world’s first full-scale Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) initiative, is expected to launch its first vessel in November 2024. Additionally, K Line’s new geotechnical survey vessel, “EK HAYATE,” has entered service, laying the groundwork for future growth.
The importance of safe operations was also underscored. Myochin emphasized, “Safe operations are the foundation of any shipping company, requiring continuous and thorough efforts.” K Line achieved zero major incidents last year, a testament to the dedication of its crew and staff. The company has established a global monitoring system that supports its fleet 24/7, ensuring seamless operations worldwide. Future efforts will include acquiring new fuel-related technologies and expanding training facilities in Manila and India to secure and develop highly skilled seafarers.
In the realm of environmental technology, K Line is accelerating the implementation of next-generation zero-emission fuels, such as ammonia, methanol, and biofuels, to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The company is also advancing energy-saving technologies, including the potential commercialization of the “Seawing” automated kite system that harnesses wind power.
Digital transformation remains a key priority. By integrating operational and meteorological data from its vessels, K Line has introduced the K-IMS (K Line Integrated Management System), which optimizes decision-making and promotes the company’s environmental strategy across its operations.
Concluding his address, Myochin stated, “We will continue to be a company that balances sustainable growth with social responsibility, without being swayed by short-term profits or market fluctuations.” As environmental regulations intensify, K Line has laid out a solid growth strategy, positioning itself as a leader in navigating the transformative period within the maritime industry.
川崎汽船(K Line)・明珍(Myochin)社長の新年挨拶――好況時に抑制、逆風時に戦略的判断を
川崎汽船(K Line)の明珍幸一(Yukikazu Myochin)社長は、新年の挨拶で「好況の時は抑制的に、市況が悪い時は戦略的に」という経営方針を改めて強調した。変動の激しい海運市場において、同社は長期的な視点での投資と成長を目指すとともに、株主還元にも積極的な姿勢を見せる。
海運業界では、環境規制が大きな課題となっている。2024年1月から欧州連合(EU)域内で排出量取引制度(EU ETS)が正式に導入され、今年は新たにFuelEU Maritimeが施行される。これに加え、国際海事機関(IMO)は化石燃料に依存する従来型船舶からゼロエミッション船への転換を促進するため、さらなる規制強化を議論している。こうした動きに対し、明珍社長は「短期的な政策の変化に左右されることなく、中長期的な視点で環境負荷低減に向けた取り組みを着実に進める」と述べた。
特筆すべきは、Northern Lights社との液化CO2輸送プロジェクトだ。同プロジェクトは、世界初のフルスケールCCS(Carbon Capture and Storage)プロジェクトとして2024年11月に最初の船舶が竣工予定で、本格稼働が開始される。また、日本籍の地質調査船「EK HAYATE」も新たに就航し、未来の成長に向けた種蒔きが進められている。