〆Clean Oil Tanker “Sanwa Maru” Grounded Off Hakodate: Salvage Operation Scheduled for January 10

The Hakodate Coast Guard Office has confirmed that salvage operations for the grounded clean oil tanker Sanwa Maru (3,919 gross tons) are being prepared for January 10 at high tide, around 10:50 a.m. local time. The vessel ran aground off Cape Esan, Hakodate, Hokkaido, on January 6, 2025, Japan Standard Time (JST). The salvage operation will be carried out using the salvage tug Koyo-Maru, operated by Nippon Salvage Co., headquartered in Ota City, Tokyo.

(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)

Photo courtesy=Kpler, Hokkaido Television Broadcasting

As of 2 p.m. on January 9, preparations were underway to ensure the operation could be conducted safely, taking into account local conditions. Nippon Salvage’s Koyo-Maru has been assigned to lead the efforts to pull the stranded tanker free from the rocks.

In a LinkedIn post, marine data firm Kpler shared a detailed analysis of the Sanwa Maru‘s movements, using MarineTraffic data to track the vessel’s grounding and ongoing rescue efforts.


According to Kpler’s report, the rescue operation is progressing, but the vessel remains stranded. Strong winds have persisted in the area, complicating the operation. On January 8, an oil slick was detected near the site, prompting further investigation to determine its source. Reports indicate that the Sanwa Maru was carrying diesel fuel and kerosene.

During recovery operations on January 9, the ship’s bollards—used for mooring—were reinforced after sustaining damage. Additionally, fuel from the ship’s damaged heavy fuel oil tank was transferred to another tank on board to prevent further leakage.

The Sanwa Maru is a clean oil tanker, a vessel designed to transport refined petroleum products such as gasoline, kerosene, diesel, and jet fuel. The vessel is owned by Wako Kisen Co., based in Imabari, Ehime Prefecture, and is chartered by Asahi Tanker Co., headquartered in Tokyo.

On January 8, heavy fuel oil leaked from the Sanwa Maru. The oil slick extended 2.7 kilometers northeast from the vessel, with a width of approximately 1 kilometer. However, there has been no confirmed leakage of the cargo—700 kiloliters of diesel and 3,100 kiloliters of kerosene.

In response to the fuel spill, the Japan Coast Guard dispatched its Maritime Disaster Prevention Unit to the site. This specialized unit is tasked with preventing and mitigating maritime disasters, including oil spills, hazardous liquid discharges, and offshore fires.

Vessel Specifications:

  • Name: Sanwa Maru
  • Type: Clean oil tanker
  • Cargo: 700 kiloliters of diesel, 3,100 kiloliters of kerosene
  • Crew: 11

〆函館沖で座礁したタンカー「さんわ丸(SANWA MARU)」の漏油、10日引き出し作業へ。日本サルヴェージ「航洋丸(Koyo-Maru)」で

函館海上保安部(Hakodate Coast Guard Office)によると、2025年1月6日(日本時間=JST)に北海道函館市の恵山(Esan)岬沿岸で座礁した白油(clean oil)タンカー「さんわ丸(SANWA MARU)」(3919総㌧)の引き出し作業は、2025年1月9日午後2時時点で、10日の満潮時(午前10時50分ごろ)の実施に向けて調整中となっている。現地の安全状況を踏まえ、慎重に引き出し作業の調整・準備が進められている。引き出し作業には日本サルヴェージ(The Nippon Salvage、本社・東京都大田区)の「航洋丸(Koyo-Maru)」が起用される。

(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)

Photo courtesy=Kpler, Hokkaido Television Broadcasting

 マリントラフィックを運営するKplerは「さんわ丸(SANWA MARU)」の動向について下記のように航跡を分析し、LinkedInに投稿した。


Kplerの分析情報によると、「さんわ丸(SANWA MARU)」では救助作業が進行中だ、MarineTrafficのデータによると、SANWA MARUは立ち往生したままで、この地域では強風が続いています。その間、2025年1月8日に形成された油膜の発生源を特定するための調査が進行中です。報道によると、タンカーはディーゼル燃料と灯油を運んでいた。9日には、曳航作業で破損した船上の係留設備である「ボラード」の補強や、破損が予想される「さんわ丸」の燃料タンク内のA重油を、別の燃料タンクへ移送する作業などを実施した模様だ。

 白油(clean oil)タンカーとはクリーン・オイルと呼ばれるガソリン、灯油、軽油、ジェット燃料油など石油製品を輸送するタンカーのこと。

 「さんわ丸」は和光汽船(Wako Kisen、本社・愛媛県今治市)が保有し、旭タンカー(ASAHI TANKER、本社・東京)が定期用船し、運航している。





▽船名:さんわ丸(SANWA MARU)

▽船種:白油(clean oil)タンカー




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