On January 13, 2025, the Nuclear Energy Maritime Organization (NEMO) announced that GARD, a leading provider of P&I (Protection & Indemnity) and marine and energy insurance, has become a full member of the organization. GARD’s inclusion marks a significant step towards strengthening cooperation in the maritime nuclear sector and advancing NEMO’s growth.
(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)
Photo courtesy= GARD、NEMO、CorePower

NEMO is an international membership-based organization that brings together all stakeholders involved in floating nuclear power and nuclear mobility. The organization views the adoption of floating nuclear power as essential to achieving full decarbonization in some of the most challenging sectors of the global economy.
NEMO’s mission is to support national and international regulatory bodies in developing forward-looking standards and regulations for the deployment, operation, and decommissioning of floating nuclear power plants. This aims to ensure the highest levels of safety, security, and environmental justice while enabling the implementation of nuclear solutions at sea.

GARD, operated by shipowners, provides P&I and marine and energy insurance. With approximately 700 employees and a presence in 15 locations worldwide, GARD holds a truly global footprint. It is the only member of the International Group of P&I Clubs to receive an “A+ (stable outlook)” rating from Standard & Poor’s (S&P), reflecting its financial strength and leading market position.
In response to GARD’s membership, NEMO stated: “GARD’s expertise in insurance aligns perfectly with NEMO’s mission to establish modern maritime nuclear standards and regulations for a carbon-neutral future. Their participation underscores NEMO’s commitment to excellence, growth, and fostering an innovative and collaborative environment. We greatly anticipate the valuable insights and contributions GARD will bring.”
In the field of nuclear propulsion as a primary engine for maritime use, the UK-based company CORE POWER is actively developing scalable new nuclear technologies for shipping and heavy industry. Through partnerships with major international companies, CORE POWER aims to provide sustainable, zero-emission energy via Floating Nuclear Power Plants (FNPPs) and nuclear-powered vessels.
The maritime industry faces a monumental transition over the coming decades, with approximately 60,000 vessels needing to shift from fossil fuel combustion to zero-emission propulsion systems. The International Maritime Organization (IMO), a United Nations agency, has mandated a 50% reduction in total emissions by 2050 compared to 2008 levels, a goal that effectively requires a 90% cut in real emissions by mid-century.

CORE POWER believes that with the new nuclear technologies currently under development, the shipping industry can achieve this ambitious target. The company envisions supplying sustainable green fuels for smaller vessels while directly powering larger ships with nuclear energy.
How will the maritime industry perceive nuclear propulsion in the future? Chinese shipyards are already collaborating with CORE POWER to explore prototypes of ultra-large container ships exceeding 20,000 TEU with nuclear propulsion. Additionally, U.S.-based companies in the data center sector are increasingly interested in the potential of NEMO’s floating nuclear systems to meet their energy needs.
Nuclear Energy Maritime Organization(NEMO)は2025年1月13日、P&I(船主責任相互保険)や海洋・エネルギー保険のGARDがNEMOの正会員として新たに加わったと発表した。ガードの参加は、海事核分野における協力体制の強化と、NEMOの組織のさらなる成長に向けた重要な一歩となる。

海運の主力エンジンとしての原子力推進機関では、英コア・パワー(CORE POWER)が海上輸送や重工業向けにスケーラブルな新型核技術の開発を進めている。国際的な主要企業とのパートナーシップにより、CORE POWERは浮体式原子力発電所(Floating Nuclear Power Plants: FNPP)や原子力推進船を通じて、持続可能でゼロエミッションのエネルギーの提供を目指している。
