I have been closely following reports from WINDWARD lately. Their data-driven insights have been sharp and timely, covering incidents such as the severing of undersea cables off the coasts of Finland and Taiwan. Now, WINDWARD is on course to be acquired by FTV Capital, a U.S.-based growth equity firm, with an offer of £2.15 per share or approximately $271 million in cash. The maritime data company is expected to continue its growth under the new ownership. Below are comments from Mr. Ami Daniel, WINDWARD’s co-founder and CEO, regarding this proposal by FTV Capital, as quoted in the announcement made on the London Stock Exchange.
(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto) Photo courtesy: WINDWARD
“I, Ami Daniel, am incredibly proud that WINDWARD is set to be acquired by FTV Capital, a U.S.-based growth equity firm, for £2.15 per share or approximately $271 million in cash, as announced on the London Stock Exchange.”
“We take immense pride in the growth we’ve achieved since our IPO, including a 2.5x increase in revenue and a 3.5x rise in customer numbers. Our ability to adapt and integrate evolving technologies, particularly generative AI, has consistently served us well. Now, we feel there is an even greater opportunity to streamline manual workflows using AI and enhance our service to customers.”
“Given the success we’ve demonstrated, it’s time to replicate this in other regions, and we believe that FTV Capital, led by Jerome Hershey and Brad Bernstein, is the perfect partner to help us achieve this.”
“To our customers, it is a privilege to partner with you. You keep the world safe, cargo flowing, and economies thriving. Thank you for your continued support.”
“We believe that this step will further accelerate our ability to serve our customers better and co-create the future of maritime and generative AI together.”

〆WINDWARD, FTVキャピタルが1株あたり2.15ポンド、または現金で約2億7100万米ドルで買収。
私は最近、頻繁にWINDWARDのレポートを読んでいる。データに基づく鋭い洞察で、フィンランド沖、台湾沖の海底ケーブルの切断事件などをいち早くレポートした。そのWINDWARDがLondon Stock Exchangeで、FTVキャピタルによる1株あたり2.15ポンド、または現金で約2億7100万米ドルの提案で買収される見通しだ。WINDWARDは今後も海事データ企業として成長していくだろう。FTVキャピタルのこの提案に対し、WINDWARDの共同創業者でCEOのMr. Ami Danielが次のようにコメントしているので以下に引用する。
(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)
Photo courtesy= WINDWARD
「私(Mr. Ami Daniel)は非常に誇りに思っていますが、London Stock Exchange に発表された米国の成長株投資会社、FTVは、1株あたり2.15ポンド、または現金で約2億7100万米ドルでウィンドワードを取得するつもりです」
「私たちは、IPO以来、収益を2.5倍、顧客数を3.5倍に増やすという、取引中に達成した成長を非常に誇りに思っています。 進化するテクノロジー、特にジェネレーティブAIを適応させ、取り入れる能力は常に私たちに役立ってきましたが、今では、お客様にサービスを提供し、AIを使用して手動ワークフローを合理化する機会がこれまで以上に大きくなっていると感じています」
「その投資の成功が明らかになった今こそ、その成功を他の地域でも再現する時であり、Jerome Hershey & Brad Bernstein が率いる FTV Capital は、これを行うための素晴らしいパートナーであると私たちは信じています」