The market for VLCCs (Very Large Crude Carriers) has soared dramatically, with spot charter rates on the Middle East-to-Far East route jumping from $16,000 per day at the start of the year to between $54,000 per day. This surge follows the U.S. government’s announcement on January 10, 2025, of intensified sanctions against Russia. Attention is now focused on whether China will ban VLCCs carrying Russian crude from its ports. If such restrictions are imposed, it could further increase demand for Middle Eastern crude oil transportation. Spot rates for VLCCs carrying Middle Eastern crude have already risen by approximately 40% compared to the previous week.
(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)
Photo courtesy=Vortexa, ODAC, Tass,

Low Newbuild Ratio in the VLCC Fleet
According to British shipping consultancy Clarksons, there are currently 908 VLCCs (vessels over 200,000 DWT) in operation worldwide, with only 75 on order. This represents a historically low newbuild-to-operational fleet ratio of 8.3%. In recent years, shipowners in Greece, Japan, and China have taken a cautious approach to ordering new VLCCs due to global decarbonisation trends.
The U.S. Treasury’s decision to impose sanctions on Russian crude carriers and oil companies has significantly tightened the available shipping capacity. Among the 183 tankers listed as sanctioned on January 10, 155 are believed to be involved in Russian crude trade, including vessels operating within the so-called “dark fleet.”

Impact of U.S. Sanctions
Mary Melton, a cargo analyst at maritime data firm Vortexa, has analyzed the ramifications of the U.S. sanctions on these 155 tankers. She stated in a report:
“Loss of fleet capacity is likely to encourage greater compliance with the Russian oil price cap, although much depends on whether China permits sanctioned vessels to dock.”
Melton noted that the sanctions, the largest single designation of vessels associated with Russian trade under the Biden administration, effectively block the listed ships from participating in international markets. This will likely curtail Russian trade activity further, tightening crude carrier availability and driving up freight rates. Spot rates for VLCCs and Aframax vessels have already surged in recent days.
Melton outlined potential scenarios, including severe transport bottlenecks for Russian crude exports due to a shortage of tankers. To maintain export volumes, Russia may be forced to sell oil below the price cap, potentially attracting Western operators to resume involvement. She added that some EU-affiliated shipping companies have begun participating in Russian oil transportation under minimal regulatory barriers once the crude traded below the cap.

Freight Market Trends
Spot charter rates for VLCCs have now reached $54,000 per day, more than triple the $16,000 recorded in early January. At this level, rates are nearly double the estimated breakeven level of $30,000 per day. On January 10, the Worldscale (WS) index for the Middle East-Far East route was 47.05. By January 14, it had risen sharply to 70.45, the highest level since May of last year. Converted to charter rates, this equates to $54,000 per day for scrubber-fitted vessels burning high-sulphur fuel oil and $44,000 for vessels using low-sulphur fuel.
Global Response
Data from multiple firms highlights the rapid developments:
- Reuters: Freight rates for VLCCs from the Middle East to China surged by 39% since Friday.
- S&P Global: Shipping costs for Russia’s ESPO crude blend to China have more than doubled.
- Kpler: Any shift within the dark fleet could exacerbate the supply crunch.
Singapore-based traders report a scramble to secure alternative tankers following the expanded U.S. sanctions on Russia’s oil industry. Refiners in China and India are seeking new fuel sources, responding to tighter restrictions targeting Russian producers and tankers involved in the Ukraine war.
Japanese Shipping Companies Adjust
Japanese shipping firms have reduced their presence in the VLCC spot market, focusing instead on long-term contracts with major oil companies. However, they are leveraging trading capabilities to procure spot vessels, ensuring the continued transport of Middle Eastern crude to China and exploring opportunities in product and chemical tanker markets.
With 183 tankers now under sanctions, primarily within Russia and China’s shadow fleet, Japanese and European carriers, operating “clean” and “compliant” vessels, are well-positioned. Many analysts predict that tanker rates will remain above breakeven levels for at least the first half of 2025.

VLCC市況急騰、年初の3倍の1日当たり5万4000ドル 対ロ追加制裁が顕著に影響
(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)
Photo courtesy=Vortexa,
この点について、海事データ企業Vortexaの貨物アナリスト、メアリー・メルトン(Mary Melton)は、ロシアの原油取引に従事する155隻のタンカーに対する米国制裁の影響について分析した。彼女は、“船隊能力の喪失により、ロシアの価格上限への遵守が促進される可能性が高いが、これは中国が制裁対象船の入港を許可するかどうかに依存する”とのレポートを公表した。
- ロイター:中東から中国へのVLCC運賃が金曜日以降39%上昇。
- S&Pグローバル:ロシアのESPOブレンドを中国に輸送するコストが2倍以上に。
- Kpler:影の船団が新たな船舶を求める場合、供給不足がさらに悪化する可能性。
日本の海運大手はVLCCについて、スポット船を減少させ、大手石油会社との長期契約船への投入に集中している。それでもトレーディング機能を活用し、スポット船を調達して中東―中国間の原油輸送や、プロダクト船やケミカル船など原油輸送関連のビジネスチャンスが増加する可能性がある。 米国の制裁はロシア、中国の影の船団を中心に影響を与えている。日本や欧州の海運会社の原油船、石油製品船は「クリーン」かつ「適法な船舶」であり、今回、183隻にも上る原油船隊が制裁対象となったことで、2025年のタンカー市況は少なくとも上半期は採算ラインを上回るスポットレート水準が続くとの見方が大勢を占めている。