On January 21st, All-Nippon News Network (ANN), a Japanese news outlet affiliated with TV Asahi, reported that a senior leader from the Iran-backed Houthi group expressed intentions to release the Japanese-operated cargo vessel, “Galaxy Leader,” which was captured in the Red Sea. The announcement came in light of the ceasefire that began in Gaza.
In an interview with Mohamed Al-Buhayti, a Houthi official, ANN was told, “Through Palestinian negotiators, we guarantee that the ship (Galaxy Leader) and its crew will be freed in the coming days.” Al-Buhayti further stated that the Houthi group had received repeated demands from the Japanese government for the return of the vessel, which was seized in November 2023, and confirmed plans to release it soon.
Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto
Photo courtesy of ANN

The announcement also included a pledge to halt attacks on merchant ships in the Red Sea, a practice that had been ongoing since the capture of the “Galaxy Leader.”
BIMCO Issues Statement Demanding the Release of Galaxy Leader Crew and Cease of Red Sea Attacks
In November 2024, the Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO) issued a statement urging the Houthis to end their attacks and free the “Galaxy Leader” crew. The statement was released on the anniversary of the ship’s hijacking on November 19, marking one year since the 25 crew members were taken hostage in the Red Sea.
David Loosley, BIMCO’s Secretary General and CEO, expressed, “One year ago today, the Galaxy Leader was hijacked in the Red Sea. For the past year, 25 innocent lives have been subjected to immense psychological pressure, longing to reunite with their families. The crew members, while performing their duties, did not anticipate being taken hostage and held at gunpoint. We continue to demand their release.”
Throughout 2024, BIMCO, along with other maritime organizations, repeatedly called for the release of innocent crew members held hostage in the Red Sea. In February, BIMCO and several other shipping groups issued a joint statement expressing concern for the crew’s welfare. In March, following the attack on MV True Confidence, which resulted in casualties among the crew, BIMCO called for decisive action to protect innocent seafarers.

In April, BIMCO sent an open letter to UN Secretary-General António Guterres requesting support for the release of the MSC Aries and its crew after their capture. The letter urged member states to reaffirm their international legal responsibilities and to do everything possible to ensure the safe release of crew members and the safe passage of vessels.
In June, after the reported death of a crew member aboard the MV Tutor due to a drone boat attack and the wounding of crew members aboard Verbena after being struck by an anti-ship missile, BIMCO issued another industry statement.
BIMCO remains committed to advocating for the safety of seafarers, stressing that they should never become the target of attacks or collateral damage.
BIMCO’s Ongoing Call for Seafarer Safety
BIMCO, along with other maritime organizations, will continue to press for the safety of crew members and call for an end to the violence against ships in the Red Sea. The ongoing issue highlights the risks faced by innocent seafarers who should never be involved in such conflicts.
〆日本郵船運航の「Galaxy Leader」解放へ。フーシ派幹部「数日中に返還と」ANNの取材に対し答える。
日本のテレビ朝日をキー局とするANN(All-Nippon News Network)は21日、パレスチナ・ガザ地区での停戦開始を受け、親イラン武装組織フーシ派(Houthis)の幹部が、紅海で拿捕した日本郵船が運航する自動車専用船「Galaxy Leader」を返還する意向を示したと報じた。
ANNはフーシ派幹部のモハメド・アルブハイティ氏に取材し、同氏は「パレスチナの交渉者を通じて、船(Galaxy Leader)と乗組員はすぐに解放されることを保証する」と述べた。
(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)
Photo courtesy=ANN
■BIMCOは、2024年11月、Galaxy Leaderが解放されないことについて、フーシ派に対し終結を求める声明を出していた。声明文は以下の通り。
今週火曜日(2024年11月19日)は、Galaxy Leaderが紅海でフーシ派による攻撃を受け、乗組員が人質に取られてから1年が経過した日となりました。再度、乗組員の解放を求めて、BIMCO事務総長兼CEOのデビッド・ルースリー氏は以下の声明を発表しました。
「本日は、Galaxy Leaderが紅海でハイジャックされてから1年が経過した日です。この1年間、25人の罪のない人々が極度の心理的プレッシャーにさらされ、家族との再会を切望してきました。Galaxy Leaderに乗り込んだ25人の船員たちは、自分たちの仕事をしている間に攻撃を受け、銃口を突きつけられて人質にされるとは予想していなかったはずです。私たちはこれまでにもGalaxy Leaderの乗組員の解放を求めてきましたが、本日も改めてその解放を求めます。船員は決して人質にされるべきではなく、銃撃されるべきでもなく、仕事中に巻き込まれるべきでもありません」
2月には、他の複数の海運業界団体と共同で、Galaxy Leader乗組員への懸念を表明する声明を発表しました。
3月には、MV True Confidenceが攻撃を受け、乗組員に死者と負傷者が出た際に、無実の船員の命を守るためにすべての関係者に決定的な行動を取るよう呼びかけました。
4月には、国連事務総長アントニオ・グテーレス閣下に公開書簡を送り、MSC Ariesとその乗組員の拿捕を受けて支援を要請しました。この書簡では、全加盟国が国際法の下での責任を正式に再確認するよう求め、船員の解放と船舶の安全な航行を確保するために可能な限りの努力を尽くすよう要請しました。
最後に、6月には、紅海でMV Tutorに乗船中の船員がドローンボート攻撃で殺害されたとされ、その翌日にはVerbenaが攻撃を受け、対艦巡航ミサイルによって船員が重傷を負ったことを受けて、再度業界声明を発表しました。