〆Sojitz Corporation to Transfer Ship Trading Business to New Subsidiary, Explores Partnerships

On January 23, 2025, Sojitz Corporation announced its plan to transfer its ship trading business to a newly established wholly-owned subsidiary. As part of efforts to expand the scale of its operations, the company is exploring partnerships and has indicated the possibility of selling a stake in the new company to external partners.

(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)

Photo courtesy= Sojitz Corporation

The new subsidiary, tentatively named Sojitz Senpaku (President: Taku Imai), will be established on February 3, 2025, with an initial capital of ¥100 million. The subsidiary will handle ship trading operations, including the sale and purchase of new and used vessels, chartering, sale-and-leaseback arrangements, cargo transport, and ship management. For the fiscal year ending March 2024, the ship trading business recorded revenues of approximately ¥3.6 billion.

Sojitz’s ship division has its roots in the former Nissho Iwai Corporation and Nichimen Corporation. Nichimen spun off its ship division in 1992 as News Maritime, while Nissho Iwai established Nissho Iwai Senpaku in 2002 to take over its ship equipment business. After the two companies merged in 2004, Sojitz Marine and Engineering Co., Ltd. (SOMEC) was formed, and in April 2021, the ship trading business was integrated into Sojitz’s headquarters.

Leveraging its two domestic and five overseas offices, Sojitz’s ship division has provided a wide range of services, from new and used ship trading to cargo transport and ship ownership. However, since the global financial crisis of 2008, the division has faced challenges due to stagnation in new ship orders and a shift towards shorter-term charters, which have undermined the traditional business model.

In recent years, trading companies have shown a tendency to refocus on ship ownership businesses. Amid growing concerns that “ship trading and brokerage alone cannot sustain overall profitability for trading companies,” Sojitz is aiming to strengthen its competitiveness through business restructuring and partnerships.

〆双日(Sojitz Corporation)、船舶事業を新会社に移管。他社との提携を模索。


同社は2025年2月3日に100%出資の「双日船舶(Sojitz Senpaku)」(仮称、代表取締役社長:今井琢(Taku Imai)、資本金1億円)を設立予定だ。新会社は、新造船や中古船の売買、用船やセール&リースバックの仲介、貨物輸送事業、船舶管理を含む船舶トレーディング事業を担う。なお、船舶トレーディング事業の2024年3月期の売上規模は約36億円だった。

双日の船舶部は、旧・日商岩井(Nissho Iwai Corporation)と旧・ニチメン(Nichimen Corporation)の船舶部門を源流とする。ニチメンは1992年に船舶部門をニュウズマリタイムとして分社独立。一方、日商岩井の船舶部は2002年に日商岩井船舶(Nissho Iwai Senpaku)を設立し、その後に舶用機器事業を継承した。2004年に両社が合併し、双日マリンアンドエンジニアリング(SOMEC)が設立され、2021年4月には船舶事業を双日本社に移管した。




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