Japan’s major financials, SBI Leasing Services (headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo), announced on 24 January 2025 that it had partnered with France’s BNP Paribas to arrange a leasing agreement with leading Greek shipowner TMS Group. The deal involves the newly built LNG carrier ATHOS LNG, completed in September 2024 at Samsung Heavy Industries in South Korea, under a JOLCO (Japanese Operating Lease with Call Option) scheme. The vessel is set to be chartered long-term to the Osaka Gas Group.
Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto
Photo credit: SBI Leasing Services, TMS Group
ATHOS LNG is equipped with cutting-edge, high-efficiency engines designed to comply with environmental regulations, including the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The vessel will be operated by Osaka Gas International Transport, a subsidiary of Osaka Gas Group responsible for LNG shipping operations.

Background on TMS Group
TMS Group, established in 1986 by prominent Greek shipping magnate George Economou, is headquartered in Greece and manages a fleet of 181 vessels, including 17 LNG carriers, with several more under construction.
Details of the JOLCO Arrangement
The JOLCO scheme for ATHOS LNG has attracted financing from both domestic and international banks specialising in ship finance, including BNP Paribas and SBI Shinsei Bank (based in Chuo-ku, Tokyo). The scale of the transaction highlights its significance as a major financing initiative in the shipping industry.
SBI Leasing described the arrangement as “an excellent opportunity, not only for TMS Group but also for contributing to Japan’s economic stability through the secure supply of energy. Additionally, it offers investors an opportunity to engage in ESG-focused investment, supporting sustainable development and environmental improvement.”

What is JOLCO?
A JOLCO is a financial structure where a leasing company or financial arranger forms a special purpose company (SPC) with contributions from Japanese investors. The SPC combines these contributions with bank loans to purchase new or existing vessels, which are then leased to ship operators or owners. This scheme allows operators or owners to acquire ships without upfront capital, while investors benefit from tax deferral advantages, making lease terms competitively priced.
SBIリーシング(SBI Leasing Services)がギリシャ船主TMSとLNG船を対象にJOLCOを組成。
金融大手SBIグループのSBIリーシングサービス(本社・東京都港区)は2025年1月24日、船舶分野で提携する仏BNPパリバ銀行と協力し、ギリシャ船主大手TMS Groupと液化天然ガス(LNG)船のリース契約を締結したと発表した。2024年9月に韓国・サムスン重工業で竣工した新鋭LNG船「ATHOS LNG」を対象にJOLCO(ジャパン・オペレーティング・リース・コール・オプション=購入選択権付き日本型オペレーティングリース)を組成する。「ATHOS LNG」は大阪ガスグループに長期で定期貸船される予定だ。
(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)
Photo courtesy= SBI Leasing Services、TMS Group
TMSグループは1986年にギリシャ海運の有力者ジョージ・エコノム(George Economou)氏が設立。ギリシャを拠点にLNG船やタンカー、バルカーなど新造発注残を含めて181隻(うちLNG船は17隻)の船隊を保有している。
対象となるLNG船「ATHOS LNG」はGHG(温室効果ガス)排出抑制などの環境規制に対応した最新鋭の高性能エンジンを搭載する。大阪ガスグループのLNG海上輸送を担う子会社、大阪ガスインターナショナルトランスポートが長期用船する計画となっている。
今回のJOLCOは、BNPパリバやSBIグループのSBI新生銀行(SBI Shinsei Bank、本店・東京都中央区)をはじめ、船舶ファイナンスを得意とする国内外の銀行も融資金融機関として参加する大型案件となった。