In January 2025, DNV published a white paper outlining business strategies for complying with the FuelEU Maritime regulations. FuelEU Maritime mandates significant reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emission intensity for ships exceeding 5,000 gross tons operating within the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). The white paper provides actionable strategies for meeting these requirements, featuring a case study focused on an 80,000 dwt bulk carrier. Through this study, DNV comprehensively compares costs and operational impacts, offering valuable insights for maritime businesses worldwide, including those in Japan.
(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)
Photo courtesy=DNV
A white paper is a document designed to delve deeply into a specific topic with the aim of solving customer challenges. It is widely used in B2B marketing to generate leads. In this instance, DNV’s white paper specifically addresses the FuelEU Maritime regulations and their implications for the shipping industry.
Strategies for navigating FuelEU Maritime compliance
The FuelEU Maritime regulation provides shipping operators with various compliance options to meet the required GHG intensity of ships over 5,000 GT transporting cargo or passengers in the EU or EEA. A new DNV white paper comprehensively analyses a set of compliance strategies for an 80,000 dwt bulk carrier in a case study.
“Simulating outcomes for a theoretical case-study vessel demonstrates how different approaches impact expenses and FuelEU compliance over a 20-year period,” says Ola Gundersen Skåre, Consultant, Environment Advisory at DNV and lead author of the paper.
DNV study on FuelEU compliance strategies
FuelEU Maritime sets stringent targets to reduce well-to-wake GHG emission intensity for energy used on board ships within its scope, encouraging vessels to adopt low-emission technologies or fuels. The regulation also introduces mechanisms such as banking, borrowing and pooling compliance balances to enhance strategic flexibility.
Figure 1: FuelEU Maritime GHG intensity requirements 2025–2050 shown as percentage reductions (left y-axis) relative to a reference (GHG intensity in 2020), which provide the absolute GHG intensity requirements (right y-axis).

DNV’s white paper ‘FuelEU Maritime: Requirements, compliance strategies, and commercial impacts’ outlines regulatory requirements and compliance strategies and examines the roles of key stakeholders to help businesses navigate the commercial impact of these changes.
To compare the impact and costs of different compliance strategies, the paper runs a case study for an 80,000 dwt bulk carrier operating exclusively in EU and European Economic Area (EEA) waters from 2025 to 2044. All assumptions made in the modelling are described in the paper.
Simulations in the case study investigate three primary strategies (Figure 2). One is to pay financial penalties for non-compliance. A second is to use low-GHG-intensity fuels and energy sources. A third is to utilize FuelEU flexibility mechanisms. Each option involves a trade-off between cost, GHG reduction and operational feasibility.

Figure 2: Overview of FuelEU Maritime compliance strategies analysed in the DNV case study for an 80,000 dwt bulk vessel with fuel options including marine gas oil (MGO) and liquefied natural gas (LNG).
Paying financial penalties and switching fuels
The most straightforward yet costly approach is to continue using marine gas oil (MGO) and pay penalties for exceeding GHG intensity thresholds. Over the case-study vessel’s lifetime, this strategy incurs cumulative costs of nearly USD 230 million (MUSD), making it the least economical option. Stricter regulations in later years amplify annual costs, particularly after 2035.
The study explores several options for adopting low-GHG-intensity fuels and energy sources. Blending bio-MGO with conventional MGO achieves compliance but raises fuel costs progressively, totalling more than 130 MUSD over the vessel’s lifetime.
Using liquefied natural gas (LNG) with bio-LNG emerges as the most cost-effective strategy (120 MUSD). LNG offers compliance surpluses until 2035 due to its lower GHG intensity compared to MGO.
Using e-methanol and blue ammonia fuels ensures compliance but at higher lifetime costs of nearly 170 MUSD and 150 MUSD, respectively. Both require gradual increases in usage, especially as regulations tighten after 2035.
Energy-efficiency measures and shore power can cut lifetime costs
Enhancing energy efficiency – for example by adopting wind-assisted propulsion systems (WAPS) – reduces fuel consumption and compliance costs.
For instance, WAPS cuts the case-study vessel’s lifetime costs by 7 MUSD compared with the basic bio-MGO strategy.
Using shore power can be a cost-effective way to achieve FuelEU compliance, improving GHG intensity and potentially reducing fuel expenditure during the early years.
Using FuelEU Maritime’s flexibility mechanisms
The banking, borrowing and pooling mechanisms offer innovative cost-saving compliance opportunities.
LNG-fuelled vessels can bank early-year surpluses to offset future deficits, potentially ensuring compliance throughout the vessel’s lifespan without switching to expensive lower-GHG fuels .
Or an operator can temporarily offset deficits by borrowing compliance balance from the following year, though interest and penalties apply.
Or vessels using green fuels – e-methanol for example – can generate compliance surpluses to trade within a pool, offsetting the deficits of conventional oil-fuelled vessels.
Economic and environmental insights
The case study highlights significant cost disparities among strategies. For example, adopting bio-LNG saves up to 21 MUSD (16%) compared with the bio-MGO baseline (Figure 3), mainly because the vessel is allowed to run on fossil LNG for the first years until 2035. Penalty-only strategies consistently rank as the costliest due to compounding fees over time.
Figure 3: Comparison of total lifetime costs for each simulated compliance option for the theoretical 80,000 dwt bulk case-study vessel.

“Energy-efficiency technologies reduce fuel consumption, improving the economic feasibility of strategies like blending in bio-MGO. However, except for WAPS, they do not independently ensure compliance with GHG intensity targets,” Skåre explains.
“The integration of flexibility mechanisms like pooling allows vessels to maximize green-fuel capacities while sharing compliance costs across fleets. This approach is particularly advantageous for operators with access to low-GHG fuels – for example e-methanol.”
It should be recognized that the results presented are sensitive to the input assumptions, such as the fuel price, fuel availability and the well-to-wake GHG intensity of the fuels.
Strategic recommendations to comply with FuelEU Maritime
The case study supports several key recommendations in the white paper. One is that selecting the optimal compliance strategy depends on a set of factors such as fleet characteristics, fuel price and availability, and regulatory outlook.
Alongside energy-efficiency upgrades, having a vessel that can run on LNG ensures long-term cost savings and compliance for the case vessel given the fuel prices and GHG intensities assumed in the case study. Leveraging flexibility mechanisms further enhances economic and operational resilience under FuelEU Maritime.
“The comprehensive analysis in the white paper underscores the importance of proactive planning and strategic decision-making in navigating the evolving maritime regulatory landscape for GHG emissions,” Skåre concludes.
■FuelEU Maritime規制に準拠するための戦略分析──DNVのケーススタディが示す道筋
DNVは2025年1月、FuelEU Maritime規制に準拠するための事業戦略(ホワイトペーパー)を発表した。FuelEU Maritimeは欧州連合(EU)、欧州経済領域(EEA)内で運航する総トン数5,000トン超の船舶に向け、温室効果ガス(GHG)排出強度を大幅に削減することを求める。DNVの新たなホワイトペーパーは、この規制へ対応するための複数の戦略を提示し、特に80,000トン級のバルクキャリアを想定したケーススタディを通じて、コストや運航上の影響を総合的に比較している。同ホワイトペーパーは日本の海運事業者にとっても非常に有益である。以下に英語本文と日本語の和訳を紹介する。
FuelEU Maritime規制に準拠するための戦略
FuelEU Maritime規制は、EUまたはEEA内で貨物や乗客を輸送する5,000GT以上の船舶に対し、必要な温室効果ガス(GHG)強度基準を満たすためのさまざまな遵守オプションを提供。DNVの新しいホワイトペーパーでは、80,000 dwtのバルクキャリアを対象にしたケーススタディに基づいて、複数の遵守戦略を包括的に分析。
FuelEU Maritimeは、規制の対象となる船舶で使用されるエネルギーの「ウェル・トゥー・ウェイク」GHG排出強度を削減するための厳格な目標を設定。これにより、船舶は低排出技術や燃料の採用を促進。また、戦略的な柔軟性を高めるために、バンキング、ボローイング、プーリングなどの仕組みが導入される。
FuelEU MaritimeのGHG強度要件
図1:FuelEU MaritimeのGHG強度要件(2025~2050年)。2020年を基準とした削減率(左軸)と絶対的なGHG強度要件(右軸)の比較。

DNVのホワイトペーパー『FuelEU Maritime: Requirements, compliance strategies, and commercial impacts』では、規制要件や準拠戦略を概説し、主要関係者の役割を検討することで、企業がこれらの変化による商業的影響を乗り越えるのを支援。
80,000 dwtバルクキャリアのケーススタディ
このホワイトペーパーでは、2025年から2044年の間、EUおよびEEA海域でのみ運航される80,000 dwtのバルクキャリアを対象に、異なる準拠戦略の影響とコストを比較。モデリングで使用された全ての仮定はペーパー内で説明されている。

- 非遵守に対する財政的罰金を支払う。
- 低GHG強度の燃料やエネルギー源を使用する。
- FuelEUの柔軟性メカニズムを活用する。
図2:DNVのケーススタディで分析された80,000 dwtバルク船のFuelEU Maritime準拠戦略の概要。燃料オプションには海洋軽油(MGO)や液化天然ガス(LNG)を含む。
FuelEU Maritimeの柔軟性メカニズムの活用
• LNGを燃料とする船舶は、初年度の余剰分を将来の不足分に充当することで、寿命全体で高価な低GHG燃料への切り替えを回避可能。
• また、一時的に翌年の準拠バランスを借りて赤字を相殺することも可能だが、利息と罰金が適用される。
• e-メタノールなどのグリーン燃料を使用する船舶は、準拠の余剰をプール内で取引し、従来の石油燃料船の不足を補うことができる。
FuelEU Maritime準拠オプションの総生涯コストの比較
図3:80,000 dwtバルクケーススタディ船の各準拠オプションの総生涯コスト比較。

FuelEU Maritimeに準拠するため付ける。
エネルギー効率の向上に加えて、LNGを使用できる船舶を有することは、ケーススタディで想定された燃料価格とGHG強度に基づき、長期的なコスト削減と準拠を保証。さらに、柔軟性メカニズムを活用することで、FuelEU Maritimeの下での経済的および運用上の回復力が向上。