On January 29, 2025, IINO LINES announced the installation of a cylindrical wind-assisted propulsion system, the “Norsepower Rotor Sails™,” developed by Finnish company Norsepower Oy Ltd. (headquartered in Helsinki, CEO: Heikki Pöntynen), on the 85,000 DWT dry bulk carrier “YODOHIME,” which operates under a transport contract with J-POWER (Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.). By combining the Norsepower Rotor Sails™ with a voyage optimization system, the vessel is expected to reduce fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions by approximately 6-10%.
(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)
Photo courtesy= IINO LINES, Norsepower, J-POWER
In December 2023, “YODOHIME” completed the installation of a 24-meter-high, 4-meter-diameter Norsepower Rotor Sail™ manufactured by Norsepower. The vessel successfully completed its maiden voyage in January 2025.
The Norsepower Rotor Sail™, mounted on the bow, utilizes advanced AI technology to automatically control the rotation direction and speed of the cylindrical sail based on meteorological data, such as wind direction and speed, detected by sensors. This system leverages the Magnus effect to generate propulsion while minimizing fuel consumption.

“YODOHIME” is an 85,000 DWT dry bulk carrier built in 2016 and is engaged in transporting coal for J-POWER’s power generation needs. This marks IINO LINES’ second installation of a Norsepower Rotor Sail™, following a similar implementation on a Very Large Gas Carrier (VLGC). Meanwhile, this is the first instance of J-POWER equipping a fuel transport vessel with a wind-assisted propulsion system.
To date, Norsepower Rotor Sails™ have been installed on 17 vessels, with a total of 30 units deployed. With increasing environmental awareness, interest in the technology continues to grow. Over the next 18 months, an additional 42 units are planned to be installed on 15 more vessels.

- Website: https://www.iino.co.jp/kaiun/index.html Founded in 1899 and headquartered in Tokyo, IINO LINES is engaged in international and domestic shipping as well as real estate. In its global shipping operations, the company specializes in the transport of energy resources and related products, including crude oil, LNG, LPG, petrochemical products, and dry cargo. As of the end of December 2024, the company owns and operates a fleet of 94 vessels, including four VLCCs, 34 chemical tankers, 23 dry bulk carriers, eight large gas carriers, and 25 small- to mid-sized gas carriers.
J-POWER (Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.)
- Website: https://www.jpower.co.jp/ Established in 1952, J-POWER engages in hydro, thermal, wind, geothermal, and solar power generation as well as power transmission and transformation businesses both in Japan and abroad. Under its “J-POWER BLUE MISSION 2050” announced in February 2021, the company aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. It has set a target to reduce CO₂ emissions by 9.2 million tons by fiscal year 2025, 22.5 million tons by 2030, and to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.
Norsepower Oy Ltd.
- Website: www.norsepower.com Norsepower is a global leader in mechanical cylindrical sails for large vessels, with the potential to support the decarbonization of over 30,000 existing ships. Norsepower Rotor Sails™ have been in use for more than a decade, enabling fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions reductions of 5-25% or more through wind-assisted propulsion. Since its establishment in 2012, Norsepower has raised over €50 million in funding and has installed 30 Norsepower Rotor Sails™ on 17 vessels. Over the next 18 months, 42 additional Norsepower Rotor Sails™ are scheduled for installation on 15 vessels. The performance of Norsepower Rotor Sails™, accumulating over 100,000 operating hours, has been independently verified by organizations such as ABB, NAPA, RISE, and Lloyd’s Register.
〆飯野海運(IINO LINES)、85,000重量トン型ドライバルク船にノースパワー社のローターセイル(Norsepower Rotor Sails™)を搭載
飯野海運(IINO LINES)は2025年1月29日、J-POWER(電源開発)との輸送契約を結ぶ85,000重量トン型のドライバルク船「YODOHIME」に、フィンランドのノースパワー社(Norsepower Oy Ltd. 本社:フィンランド・ヘルシンキ、CEO:Heikki Pöntynen)が開発した円筒型の風力推進補助装置「ローターセイル」(Norsepower Rotor Sails™)を搭載したと発表した。ローターセイルと航海最適化システムを併用することで、燃料消費量およびCO₂(二酸化炭素)排出量を約6~10%削減できる見込みだ。
■ 飯野海運
- HP: https://www.iino.co.jp/kaiun/index.html
■ J-POWER(電源開発)
- HP: https://www.jpower.co.jp/
J-POWERは1952年に創業し、日本国内外で水力、火力、風力、地熱、太陽光による発電および送変電事業を展開している。2021年2月に発表した「J-POWER BLUE MISSION 2050」に基づき、2050年のカーボンニュートラル実現を目指し、2025年度にCO₂排出量を920万トン削減、2030年度に2,250万トン削減、2050年には実質ゼロとする目標を掲げている。
- ※ HP:www.norsepower.com
ノースパワー社は、大型船向け機械式円筒帆の世界的なマーケットリーダーであり、現存する30,000隻以上の船の脱炭素化を支援できる可能性を秘めている。ノースパワー社製ローターセイル(Norsepower Rotor Sails™)は 10 年以上にわたって顧客に使用されており、風の力を利用することで燃料消費量とCO₂排出量を5〜25%以上削減することが可能。 2012 年の設立以来、ノースパワー社は5,000万ユーロ以上の資金を調達し、これまでに17隻の船に30基のNorsepower Rotor Sails™を設置した。今後18か月以内に15隻の船に42基の設置が予定されている。Norsepower Rotor Sail の 100,000 時間以上の性能データは、ABB、NAPA、RISE、Lloyd’s Register などの独立した第三者検証機関により検証されている。