StormGeo, a Norway-based provider of weather-driven voyage optimization solutions, announced on January 27, 2025, that Espen Martinsen has been appointed as the company’s new Chief Commercial Officer (CCO). Martinsen officially assumed the role on January 1, 2025. As CCO, he will lead the development and execution of StormGeo’s overall commercial strategy, driving revenue growth and profitability. Additionally, he will play a key role in the company’s M&A strategy team.
Previously, Martinsen served as StormGeo’s Executive Vice President of Sales, overseeing the company’s global sales operations in the shipping and energy sectors. He led the sales team and spearheaded multiple M&A initiatives. Furthermore, he played a central role in shaping StormGeo’s market-leading maritime solutions, which currently serve over 13,000 vessels worldwide.
(Text by Hirofumi Yamamoto)
Photo courtesy= StormGeo、Hirofumi Yamamoto

In November 2024, StormGeo, in collaboration with ClassNK, hosted a seminar in Tokyo titled “Decarbonisation Pathways in Shipping: From CII to FuelEU Maritime.” During the event, journalist Hirofumi Yamamoto interviewed Espen Martinsen, who had traveled to Japan to deliver a conference lecture, discussing the importance of digitalization and data quality in environmental compliance. Yamamoto also served as the moderator for the conference.
During the interview, Martinsen addressed the question of why vessel data and StormGeo’s solutions are crucial for the shipping industry, stating:
“In April 2024, StormGeo and ClassNK signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to integrate API connectivity. This collaboration allows shipping companies to rapidly transfer vessel performance data to ClassNK’s verification platform, streamlining the validation process and accelerating maritime decarbonisation.”
He further noted, “Decarbonisation in the maritime sector has been a focal point in the market in recent years. From the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) to the European Union’s Emissions Trading System (ETS) and the upcoming FuelEU Maritime regulation set to take effect in January 2025, regulatory pressure on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is intensifying.”
“As shipping companies recognize the importance of digitalization and data quality in environmental compliance, StormGeo’s advanced digital tools enable actionable decision-making to reduce emissions. Additionally, accurate data supports corporate efforts to achieve decarbonisation targets.”

Upon assuming his new role as CCO, Martinsen expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “I am excited to take on this new role as Chief Commercial Officer at StormGeo. I look forward to driving further business growth and strengthening StormGeo’s position as a leading weather intelligence provider for the global shipping and energy industries.”
He added, “I am particularly eager to develop new approaches that combine our innovative technology with human expertise to enhance safety and operational efficiency for our customers.”
StormGeo’s CEO, Kim Sørensen, also commented on Martinsen’s appointment, saying, “Espen brings extensive commercial experience along with strong strategic and operational capabilities. He has significantly contributed to StormGeo’s growth over the past few years, and he will continue to play a vital role in ensuring our company adapts to the future and remains the optimal partner for global shipping and energy businesses.”
2025 is set to be another milestone year for StormGeo.

気象情報に基づく航海最適化ソリューションを提供するストームジオ(StormGeo、本社:ノルウェー)は2025年1月27日、エスペン・マーティンセン(Espen Martinsen)氏がStormGeoの新しい最高商務責任者(CCO)に就任したと発表した。マーティンセン氏は2025年1月1日付で正式にこの役職を引き継いだ。新たなCCOとして、同社の全体的な商業戦略の開発と実施を主導し、収益成長と収益性向上を推進する。また、StormGeoのM&A戦略チームにおいて重要な役割を担うこととなる。
S tormGeoは2024年11月、日本海事協会(NK)と共同で、「海運の脱炭素化への道:CIIからFuelEUマリタイムまで」をテーマとしたセミナーを東京で開催した。記者(Hirofumi Yamamoto)はその際、カンファレンス講演のために来日したStormGeoのエスペン・マーティンセン氏に、環境コンプライアンス(法令順守)におけるデジタル化とデータ品質の重要性についてインタビューした。同時に、記者(Hirofumi Yamamoto)は同カンファレンスのモデレーターを担当する機会も得た。


StormGeoのCEOであるキム・ソーレンセン(Kim Sørensen)氏は、「エスペンは豊富な商業経験と強力な戦略的および運営能力を持ち、当社の成長をさらに加速させるうえで欠かせない存在だ。彼はここ数年間、StormGeoの成長に大きく貢献しており、今後も当社が未来に適応し、世界の海運・エネルギー企業にとって最適なパートナーへと進化するために不可欠な役割を果たすだろう」と述べた。