AIS Co., Ltd., a Tokyo-based company specializing in the development of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems for the maritime industry, has provided an update on the adoption of its labour management system for seafarers, “Trans-Crew”. One of its users, Kaiyo Eisen, based in Kamaishi, Iwate Prefecture, has implemented the system for four vessels and 25 crew members. The company reports positive feedback, noting that “each employee can now input and manage their working hours individually.”
Photo courtesy: AIS

According to AIS, 22 companies, including Kaiyo Eisen, have publicly adopted Trans-Crew, with the actual number of implementations exceeding twice that figure.
Prior to adopting Trans-Crew, Kaiyo Eisen required a system that would allow real-time sharing of employee attendance data and the ability to reflect tugboat-specific allowances in payroll calculations.
With this in mind, the company selected Trans-Crew due to its functionality, which enables crew members to easily log their working hours via onboard computers or smartphones and provides a real-time, intuitive interface for monitoring labor conditions.
Since implementation, employees have been able to manage their own working hours, and the administrative burden of preparing labour management records has been significantly reduced.
〆AIS、トランスクルーの実績報告。海洋曳船(Kaiyo Eisen)など
海運業に特化したERP(統合基幹業務システム)の開発などを手掛けるエイ・アイ・エス(AIS CO., LTD、本社・東京都千代田区)はこのほど、同社の船員向け労務管理システム「TRANS―Crew」(トランスクルー)の導入状況を報告した。ユーザーの一社である海洋曳船(Kaiyo Eisen、岩手県釜石市)では4隻・25人が利用し、「各社員が自分の勤務時間を入力し、各々で管理が可能になった」と好評を得ているという。
Photo courtesy=AIS